
Find text and create bookmarks in PDFs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What this script does

When run in Acrobat, this script searches a PDF for a string. Each time the string is found, the script creates a bookmark for the page that the string was found on.

How to use this script

First you'll need to create the action to run your script:

  1. Create a New Action in Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Add an "Execute Javascript" tool to the action.
  3. Click "Specify Settings" on the tool you added to open the editor.
  4. Paste the script into the editor and click "OK".
  5. Ensure that "Prompt User" is checked, and click "Save".

When you run the script, there are two pieces you will need to change:

  1. For var stringToSearchFor = "ENTER SEARCH TERM HERE"; (line 3) change ENTER SEARCH TERM HERE to the string that you'd like to search for.
  2. for bookmarkPrefix = "ENTER PREFIX NAME HERE"; (line 4) change ENTER PREFIX NAME HERE to the text you'd like to have appear at the beginning of every bookmark name.