
A very simple authentication system in golang.


  1. Use dockerfile provided by running the following commands

    i. Clone Repository and change directory into the folder

    $ git clone && cd authvice

    ii. Change database settings in main.go to point to your own running instance of postgres iii. Build the file using docker creating a tag go-docker-optimized

    $ docker build -t go-docker-optimized -f Dockerfile .

    iv. Run the docker container once finished exposing the port to your local computer's port

    $ docker run -p go-docker-optimized:latest

    v. The application will be running on port 10000 and can be accessed through: localhost:10000

  2. Run the code directly if you have go installed on the machine

    i. Clone Repository and change directory into the folder

    $ git clone && cd authvice

    ii. Build the application into a single binary via:

    $ go build -o main .

    iii. Run the executable go file by:

    $ ./main
  3. With docker-compose (easiest, most recommended) i. Clone Repository and change directory into the folder

    $ git clone && cd authvice

    ii. Create a .env file with credentials for the database docker container

    $ echo "POSTGRES_USER=user \nPOSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \nPOSTGRES_DB=authvice" > .env

    iii. Ensure docker-compose is installed on your machine and run the following command:

    $ docker-compose up --build

    iv. Access the application on your local computer's port 10000

Running tests

You can run the tests by simply running the following command in the root folder of the application. PS - If you have zsh installed refuse to accept autocorrect:

go test ./... -v 


[] Create user [] Login user and receive jwt token [] Add User profile information [] Edit User profile details [] Login User with Github [] Login User with Google [] Login User with Facebook [] Login User with Twitter [] Add twilio/Africa's Talking for sending OTP via phone [] Add two factor authentication using QR code [] Add two factor authentication using SMS and calls [] Create groups [] Add users to certain groups [] Change group permissions [] Remove groups [] Edit groups [] Enforce permissions for users [] Ability to add or remove various functionality as one wishes.


Simply adding authentication to other applications and learning Go of course.