
Submit an Argo workflow template from GitHub 🗯️➡️🐙

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Submit Argo Workflow Template GitHub Action 🗯️➡️🐙

A GitHub Action for Submitting Argo Workflow Templates

Tests Code Style: prettier GitHub Marketplace

About 📃

When triggered, this GitHub action submits an existing Argo workflow template.

Usage ▶️

To use this github action in your workflow, add a step like this:

      - name: Run Submit Argo Workflow Template
        id: submitworkflow
        uses: konjoinfinity/submit-argo-workflow-template@v1.0.x
          ARGO_URL: "https://localhost:2746" # Local environment example, or use your deployed argo workflow server url.
          ARGO_TEMPLATE: "my-argo-workflow" # The name of your argo workflow template to submit.
          ARGO_NAMESPACE: "my-argo-namespace" # The argo namespace (kubernetes namespace).
          ARGO_TOKEN: "my-argo-token" 
          ARGO_ENTRYPOINT: "my-entrypoint"
          ARGO_PARAMETERS: ["param1=hello", "param2=123"]

Inputs ➡️

Name Type Description Requried? Default
ARGO_URL String The URL endpoint where your Argo Workflows instance is hosted. Example: https://<your_url>.com/argo. Yes N/A
ARGO_TEMPLATE String Argo workflow template name to be triggered. Syntax: <name-of-argo-template> (Example: argo-workflow-template) Ensure your workflow is already hosted on your argo workflows server, templates can be found under the templates tab in the Argo Workflows UI. Yes N/A
ARGO_TOKEN String The Argo Bearer Token which is passed in request authorization header. Example: Authorization: Bearer Token v2:eyop...lrch If your argo workflows server is configured with token authorization, a token is required to use this action. No N/A
ARGO_NAMESPACE String The Argo namespace where your workflow template is hosted. Example: <your-argo-namespace> If your argo workflows server does not have a configured namespace the default is argo. No argo
ARGO_ENTRYPOINT String The entrypoint for your Argo Workflow Template. Example: <your_entrypoint> No default
ARGO_PARAMETERS Array[String] An array of parameter strings to be passes to the Argo Workflows Template. Example: ["param1=hello", "param2=123"] Syntax: ["<key>=<value>"] No N/A

Request Body: JSON 🌐

    "namespace": "<namespace-name>",
    "resourceKind": "WorkflowTemplate",
    "resourceName": "<workflow-template-name>",
    "submitOptions": {
        "entryPoint": "<workflow-entry-point>",
        "generateName": "<autogenerated-workflow-name>-",
        "parameters": ["param1=hello", "param2=123"]

All Available Inputs and Types ⚙️

  "namespace": "default",
  "resourceKind": "string",
  "resourceName": "string",
  "submitOptions": {
    "annotations": "string",
    "dryRun": true,
    "entryPoint": "string",
    "generateName": "string",
    "labels": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "ownerReference": {
      "apiVersion": "string",
      "blockOwnerDeletion": true,
      "controller": true,
      "kind": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "uid": "string"
    "parameters": [
    "podPriorityClassName": "string",
    "priority": 0,
    "serverDryRun": true,
    "serviceAccount": "string"

Outputs ⬅️

Name Type Description Example
ARGO_WORKFLOW_NAME String The name of the generated argo workflow created by submitting the ARGO_TEMPLATE. hello-world-l4b5b
ARGO_NAMESPACE String The configured namespace for argo workflows. default or argo
ARGO_UID String The unique identifier (uid) for the created workflow. d147dfad-1c54-4025-bdd3-57a711dc890
ARGO_WORKFLOW_OUTPUTS Object Outputs generated by an argo workflow. {output1: "goodbye", output2: "456"}

Example Output ✅

      metadata: {
        name: 'hello-world-xfphh',
        generateName: 'hello-world-',
        namespace: 'default',
        uid: '4ace9e2a-1d59-42ef-88ba-f8023d7510f0',
        resourceVersion: '133236',
        generation: 1,
        creationTimestamp: '2023-11-15T20:25:33Z',
        labels: {
          'workflows.argoproj.io/creator': 'system-serviceaccount-argo-argo-server',
          'workflows.argoproj.io/workflow-template': 'hello-world'
        managedFields: [ [Object] ]
      spec: {
        entrypoint: 'whalesay',
        arguments: { parameters: [Array] },
        workflowTemplateRef: { name: 'hello-world' }
      status: {
        startedAt: null,
        finishedAt: null,
        storedTemplates: { 'namespaced/hello-world/whalesay': [Object] }

Example Workflows 📚

Credits 🏆

Inspired By 🤩