🤖 A robot made with Puppeteer to make publish on Twitter a Tweet of the most played song on Spotify along with a random phrase.
This project was made using the follow technologies:
- 🎶 Catch the most played music of the day on Spotify Brazil.
- 🔀 Generate a random phrase from the website LeroLero.
- 🐦 Login to Twitter and post the Tweet automatically with the extracted information.
# Clone Repository
$ git clone https://github.com/wesleywcr/BotTwitter.git
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Start application
$ node robo.js
- Fork this repository
- Create a branch with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
- Push your branch:
git push origin my-feature
Released in 2020. This project is under the MIT license Made with ❤️ by Wesley Rodrigues🤙👊