
Graph Neural Networks for CP

Primary LanguagePython

Higgs CP Structure Identification using Tau-Tau Decay

This repository contains the code and models for identifying the CP structure of the Higgs boson through its decay into tau-tau pairs


Before you begin, ensure you have git installed on your machine to clone this repository. If git is not installed, you can download it from Git's official site.


Follow these steps to set up your environment and start analyzing the Higgs boson's CP structure.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/wesmail/HiggsCP.git
cd HiggsCP

Step 2: Install Conda

If you do not have Miniconda or Anaconda installed, download and install it from Miniconda or Anaconda respectively.

Step 3: Set Up Your Environment

This project relies on several dependencies listed in environment.yml, including libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, tqdm, h5py, scikit-learn, PyTorch, PyTorch Geometric, PyTorch Lightning, and Torchmetrics.

To install all dependencies at once and create a Conda environment named h2ttbar, run the following command in your terminal:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Step 4: Activate the Environment

conda activate h2ttbar


Download the Data

You need first to download the data and store it in the files/ directory. The data is stored in Google Drive.

Training the Model

You can train the model using the run.sh script provided in the repository. This script supports running the training process for each angle individually.

To see how to use the script, you can type:

./run.sh -h

For example, to train the model on angle 0, you can use the following command:

./run.sh --mode "train" --angle "0"

This command will create an HDF5 file named data_0.hdf5 containing the signal and background data, which will be used to train the heterogeneous Graph Neural Network. The training results, including the saved model, hyperparameters, and training progress, will be stored in a directory named h2tt_angle_0_results.


The training (and testing) hyperparameters, such as the number of epochs, learning rate, and size of the network, are stored in the train.yaml file located in the config/ directory. You can override any of these parameters by modifying this file before running the training or testing commands.

Training All Angles

If you wish to train models for all angles at once, you can use the train_all_angles.sh script:


Testing the Trained Model

To test a trained model, you need to provide the path to the trained model's checkpoint file to the run.sh script. For example, to test a model trained on angle 0 can be something like the following line, where you need to adjust the ckpt_path where the trained model is:

./run.sh --mode "test" --ckpt_path "h2tt_angle_0_results/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=0-step=109.ckpt" --h5_file "files/data_0.hdf5"

This command will perform the testing on the specified model and data file. The results, including ROC and angular distribution $\phi^{*}$ plot, will be saved under the h2tt_angle_0_results directory.