
RingCentral Call Out and Fax Out API client

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


RingCentral Call Out and Fax Out API client


    use Wesnick\RingCentral\Model\User;
    use Wesnick\RingCentral\Http\HttpClient;

    // Some implementation of UserInterface
    $user = new User("5555555555", "1234");
    // Some implementation of Doctrine Cache interface
    $cache = new FilesystemCache("/path/to/cache");
    // Some implementation of HttpInterface
    $client = new HttpClient($cache);

    $ringout = new RingOut($client);

    // Methods
    $numbers = $ring->getNumbersList($user);
    // Returns an array of NamedNumberInterface

    $ring->placeCall($user, $destNumber, $sourceNumber, $callerIdNumber, $voicePromptBeforeConnect);
    // Returns session Id of connected call

    // Returns CallStatus object

    // Returns boolean

Fax out is minimally implemented and has not been tested yet.


Use composer.


PHP 5.3

For use as a standalone library you need the following libraries: Buzz Symfony Console Doctrine Cache (for caching cookies)


Fork and issue a Pull Request.

Running the Tests

$ bin/phpspec


Released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.