
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Your Name Here

This is the template i use when creating web apps using: React, Vite, ChakraUI and Appwrite. This template uses file/folder based routing from the pages/ folder, each folder will need an index.tsx file for inspiration/example of this you can look at things like nextjs.

Getting Started

To start using install everything using:

$ yarn install --check-files
$ yarn dev

Then open your browser and go to: http://localhost:5173


Head over to appwrite.io to get started, then update the src/providers/api.tsx file with your project id and endpoint.


  • Vite for development and bundling. This template was created using $ yarn create vite react-vite-appwrite --template react-ts

  • vite-plugin-pages for file/folder based routing.

  • ChakraUI has a nice set of components for the UI

  • Formik for handling forms in a nice way.

  • Yup for dead simple Object schema based validation.

  • React-Icons for icons.

Breaking down src

  • app
    • index.scss : The main styles for the app.
    • index.tsx : Where the app kicks off.
    • layout.tsx : The general layout of the application, could be expanded to allow for dynamic layouts.
  • assets : All the images and such you want to use in your app.
  • components
    • dialog.tsx : Wrapper component for presenting a dialog (modal) to the user.
    • empty.tsx : Display an empty view with an icon and short cut link for adding something
    • numberfield.tsx : Field dedicated to the magic of numbers.
    • selectfield.tsx : Select something, and do it well and easy.
    • switchfield.tsx : Switch back and forth, skipping the boilerplate
    • textfield.tsx : Textfield, but better.
  • data
    • settings.ts : Settings for the user, add to this for a settings page or something.
    • index.ts : Re-exports Settings as well as providing a Key/Value store for memory and fallback to localStorage.
  • locale
    • en.ts : English translations.
    • index.ts : Exports translation based on location (if you were to code it that way, good switch-statements to ya)
  • pages
    • index.tsx : Root index page
    • index.scss : Root styles
  • providers
    • api.tsx: Provider for interacting with the Appwrite api
    • flash.tsx : Provider for displaying notifications
    • form.tsx : Provider for handling form, useful for group of forms, like a wizard (harry).
    • settings.tsx : Provider for accessing and working with browser-side settings.
    • index.tsx : Re-exports of providers.
  • theme
    • color.ts : Nord based colors
    • theme.ts : ChakraUI theme definitions.
    • index.tsx : Provides a theme mode switcher component as well as reexporting theme and color.
  • hooks.tsx : useHooks from this file.
  • main.tsx : Entry point for the application
  • index.d.ts : App types
  • vite-env.d.ts : Vite types

Reach out

Im always open to suggestions and such, so feel free to make an issue or PR if you have something you want to add or change.

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See LICENSE for more information.