This Repo exists out of four tools
-, server side of the measurement tool
-, probe side of the measurement tool
- Independent InfluxDB for storing measurement data
- Independent Grafana for showing dashboards
Python source code of the server side of solution for the performance of the CVMs in a cluster. Receives data from the probe(s) and stores it into an InfluxDB. Will be run containerized. To run natively on Linux VMs, the corresponding dockerfile (Dockerfile-Server) is providing the dependencies needed.
Probe side that grabs the performance info from the cluster it checks and sends the data to the server side. Checks data every 5 minutes. Every probe will be checking 1 cluster. THis coud lead into many probe containers to be active at one time
This chapter is describing what the pre-requirements are and how the tool should be used.
As the tools is made out of Docker containers, docker needs to be installed on the machine that will run the containers. The internet has lots of articles on how to install Docker on the O/S of your choice.
By using Github, it is possible to pull the latest version on any machine. Therefore also git needs to be installed on the mahcine so the repo can be cloned. Depending on the use case, using a separate InfluxDb and/or Grafana environment, docker-compose also needs to be installed. The Github repo includes a docker-compose YAML file to start and run such an environemnt as Docker containers with persistent storage.
To grab the needed files, follow these steps:
- Create a directory in which you want to store the files from the cloned repo, but also the files for InfluxDB and Grafana (persistent storage) (example /docker-data/)
into the newly created directory- Run
git clone
. this will clone the dat from the repository on Github cd
into the repo cloned directory (cvm_influxdb_grafana)
As the tool is container based, use the Dockerfile-Server and Dockerfile-Probe dockerfiles, using docker build -f <NAME OF THE FILE> -t <TAG NAME>
to build the containers. The commands that are shown are examples. Exchange probe_xx
to your name.
This chapter is only needed if the tool is not using an existing InfluxDB and Grafana emvironment by using InfluxDB and Grafana as containers.
Check docker-compose is installed on the machine by typing
. If not installed, install it. -
The current content of the cloned docker-compose.yaml file is
version: '3' services: grafana: image: grafana/grafana container_name: grafana depends_on: - influxdb ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: - ${PWD}/docker_data/grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana restart: always influxdb: image: container_name: influxdb ports: - 8086:8086 volumes: - ${PWD}/docker_data/influxdb:/root/.influxdbv2/ restart: always
This will create persistent data stores for InfluxDB and Grafana under the current directory/docker-data via the ${PWD} parameter. Change this parameter if it should be stored somewhere else by opening the file and saving it.
Make sure that everybody has read/write access to the directory in which InfluxDB and Grafana write thier data. This can be done via
chmod 777 -R ${PWD}/docker_data/
for Linux and MacOS. Forgetting this step will lead into not starting the Grafana container. -
docker-compose create
to get the containerized environment build according to the yaml file -
docker-compose up -d
to start the just created environment.
Open a browser window to http://:8086 and configure InfluxDB
Remember the username, password, Initial Organization Name and Initial Bucket Name as they are needed later in the parameters section.
Get the token via Quick Start -> Data -> Python
Something like below will be shown:
from datetime import datetime from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point, WritePrecision from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS # You can generate a Token from the "Tokens Tab" in the UI token = "UrBMNS04-SgCPGZOoFlww1EIo2UKz-LqhBB-LGSGTL6SqTL-1zn3Uyll7k-qR_q2Mx5YQeVIx8peSWx1y44ZcA==" org = "performance" bucket = "cvms" client = InfluxDBClient(url="", token=token)
The token (we need later), not including the double quotes, using the example from the above, is: UrBMNS04-SgCPGZOoFlww1EIo2UKz-LqhBB-LGSGTL6SqTL-1zn3Uyll7k-qR_q2Mx5YQeVIx8peSWx1y44ZcA==
Open a browser window to http://:3000 and configure Grafana. Default username/password is admin/admin
Change the admin password to something of your choice
After the UI opens, click on the left hand side of the UI the cog icon -> Data sources
Click Add data source -> InfluxDB
Set these parameters:
Query language - Flux
URL - http://:8086
Auth - Enable Basic auth (if not enabled)
User - Your InfluxDB username
Password - The corresponding user's password
InfluxDB Details
- Organization - Your configured organization
- Token - The token you saw earlier
- Default Bucket - The earlier created bucket
Click Save & Test
Just above the button, if entered the correct information, a Green backgrounded tick should be shown as well as 3 buckets found
Your Grafana instance can now use the InfluxDB
For the tools, server and probe side, to run, parameters must be used. The parameters need to be put in a file called env.list. The file needs to contain the following parameters and values:
- server_ip = IP of the server part of the measurement tool
- server_prt= port on which the server is listening (default port 5000)
- user_name = The username for the API connection to the Nutanix Cluster
- passwd = Corresponding password for the API connection ot the Nutanix Cluster
- token = Token to access the InfluxDB server
- db_server = IP addess of the InfluxDB server, if runing as a container, this si the IP address of the Machine running the container
- org = Organisation as defined in InfluxDB
- bucket = The name of the bucket as defined in the InfluxDB## Running the probe server
An example for the env.list file is
# Variables for the probe_server and probe containers
Run the probing server using the below command:
docker run -d --rm --name probe-server -v ${PWD}:/code --env-file ./env.list -p 5000:5000 probe_server
This command runs the probe server container and it is listening on port 5000 on the machine that is running the container. Also it uses the "environmental variables" as mentioned in the env.list file.
Run the probe(s) using the below command:
docker run -d --rm --name probe -v ${PWD}:/code --env-file ./env.list -e check_ip=<IP ADDRESS OF PE> probe
This command runs the probe container and it uses the "environmental variables" as mentioned in the env.list file. Besides those parameter and extra parameter is added. -e check_ip=<IP ADDRESS OF PE>
is pointing to the IP address of one cluster. if there are multiple cluster, rerun the command using another IP address(ess) for the other cluster(s)
On the machine where the containers are running, run docker logs -f probe-server
this should show something like the below text - - [17/Jun/2021 11:59:42] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jun/2021 11:59:44] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jun/2021 11:59:45] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jun/2021 11:59:46] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
When you see this info, the probes can communicate with the Server AND the server can communicate with the InfluxDB.
If there are issues, check the logs of the containers using docker log probe
for the probe and docker logs probe-server
for the server side. You can also try to connect to port 5000 on the docker running machine. There should be no reply, but at least a connection.
Open the UI of InfluxDB and navigate to Explore -> From -> cvms -> _measurement -> performance -> select under FILTER some fields -> Click Submit. This should show some graphs. If it doesn't make sure to click the refresh button (the Circled Arrows)
Now that there is data ingesting into the InfluxDB, Grafana needs to configured.
For Grafana we need to get a InfluxDB query for the data that nees to be shown in a graph. The UI of InfluxDB can help with that.
In the Filter Column, click one of the CVM that are shown. This will have an immediate effect on the graphs.
Click the Script Editor button on the right hand side of the UI
Copy the text as shown by the UI as we are going to use that in Grafana. Example would be
from(bucket: "cvms") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "performance") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "cpu" or r["_field"] == "cpu_ready" or r["_field"] == "io_read" or r["_field"] == "io_write" or r["_field"] == "ram") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["cvm-name"] == "NTNX-16SM6B260127-A-CVM") |> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false) |> yield(name: "mean")
Open the Grafana interface, login if needed with the newly set password for the admin user. Follow these steps to get everything running:
Click on the Four squares on the left hand side of the screen -> Manage -> New Dashboard
Click Add an Empty panel
Half way the page the Data source is shown. By default that should say InfluxDB. Your earlier configured InfluxDB
Click in the text field and copy the FLUXDB query you copied from the InfluxDB Interface
The original SQL has to be changed slightly. So we have separate grpah for each of the five performance matrices. Also we want to be able to see all CVMs on the dashboard, and a row PER CVM.
While still in the SQL field in Grafana
Change the line
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "cpu" or r["_field"] == "cpu_ready" or r["_field"] == "io_read" or r["_field"] == "io_write" or r["_field"] == "ram")
into|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "cpu")
Change the following as well (right hand side of the UI)
- Title Panel - CPU Load - CVM
- Unit - Misc -> Percent (0-100)
- Click Apply in th top right corner
The first graph is now showing on the dashboard. To get the rest of the graphs AND have a dropdown box so all or just a few selected CVMs can be shown, follow these steps.
Click the Cog icon in the top right corner
Click Variables -> Add Variables
Under General
- Name - CVMName
- Type - Custom
- Description - CVM Names
Under Custom options; Values seperated by comma - provide all names of the CVM as shown in the InfluxDB
Under Selection options
- Multi-value - Enabled
- Include All option - Enabled
Click the Update button
Click on the left hand side General, provide a name and save the dashboard
Click the back arrow in the top left corner
Back in the dashboard, click in the top right corner the bar graph with the + symbol icon to Add a panel
Select Add a new row
Hoover over the text "Row title" untill you see a cog icon appear and click it.
In the new windows, type under Title $CVMName and in the Repeat for, select the just created variable CVMName
Click Update
This will have, depending on the amount of CVMs, X amount of the same graphs. Just the title has changed.
On the dashboard, the variable name is mentioned in blue, example CVMName
Click the text All and select only one of the CVMs. Now only one graph should been shown on the dashboard
Click the Graph and hit the "E" key on your keyboard. This opens the edit graph interface.
In the Query field, change the field value of cvm-name into $CVMName so it uses the variable as the selection for the query.
In the Title field also change/add the variable $CVMName in the field and click Apply.
Back on the dashboard, change the Variable bck to All and you should now see four different graphs and titles.
Revert back into just showing one CVM
Click again the graph and then type "P" and "D" to duplicate the graph.
Click the duplicated graph and type "E" to edit the graph
Make two changes
Click Apply
Repeat steps 22 till 25 for the other values that are grabbed and pushed in the InfluxDB. Use these values
Change the Query.
- ram as the query
For IOPS Read
- io_read as the query
For IOPS Write
- io_write as the query
Change Title field, to reflect the title of the graphs
Change the Unit for IOPS related value to Throughput -> I/O ops/sec
When all graphs are added, they can be drag and dropped, and resized to have the dashboard that is needed.
Changing the Variable to All on the dashboard will show the same built graphs for all CVMS.