This workshop is for having a combined Hands-on on RX manager, HPOC and who to setup the reserved cluster using the staging script build by the Technical Enablement department.
Requirements ++++++++++++
To run this workshop a few items need to be ready. These items are:
- Running VPN
- Login credentials for Okta
- Approx 60 minutes of which 45 minutes are waiting for the RX environment to provide the HPOC system.
a. This workshop is using a Single Node Cluster (SNC) on the HPOC environment. Screenshots used in the HoL are for reference purpose only. They will be different from the systems that are used will running the workshop. b. If this workshop is to be build using sphinx locally on the laptop, make sure the following packages are installed on the system (Use 'pip/pip3' to install):
1. sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
2. sphinx_bootstrap_theme
3. sphinx_fontawesome
4. sphinx-theme