
Get live translations for YouTube streams, crowdsourced from multilingual viewers!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

LiveTL - Translation Filter for Streams

Latest Release Build Tests License: AGPL v3 js-semistandard-style Bundler: samepack Contributors Issues Total Lines Size Commit Activity Discord

Get live translations for YouTube streams, crowdsourced from multilingual viewers!


Feedback and Contributing

We have a Discord server for those who would like to give feedback or discuss new features! Here is the invite.

If you are interested in helping us solve any issues and/or add features, please let us know in the Discord server and submit a Pull Request!


To build from scratch, execute the following commands in a bash terminal. The resulting extension zip file will be in dist/. The unpacked extension will be in build/

git clone https://github.com/LiveTL/LiveTL.git --recursive
# you must clone recursively because the repository uses submodules
cd LiveTL/

⚠ Build Dependencies ⚠

  • rsync
  • npm (Note that the version installed by apt on Ubuntu 18.04 is too old and will not work, you'll have to upgrade npm manually)
  • gnu-sed (MacOS -- brew install gsed will install GNU-SED if you have brew installed)
  • python >= 3.6


LiveTL is developed by these fine people.