Global Model Interpretation via Recursive Partitioning

Primary LanguagePython

Global Model Interpretation via Recursive Partitionin (GIRP)

This paper implements the menthod described in paper Global Model Interpretation via Recursive Partitioning. The implementation is based on the project Python-Regression-Tree-Forest. Please cite both works properly if you are using them in your work.

Prepare data

You should prepare the input data as the example dm_txt.csv and df_txt.csv in this repo.

dm_txt.csv contains the classification labels. Column pid_visit is the ID of each prediction instance. Column lbl_visit is the label of each prediction instance.

df_txt.csv contains the local contributions of input variables for each prediction instance. Column ctb_contrb is the local contributions. Column pid_contrb is the ID of each prediction instance. Column var is the names of input variables. The example contributions are generated by a random forest classifier from a small subset of the 20 Newsgroups Dataset.

Run the example

git clone git@github.com:west-gates/GIRP.git
virtualenv venv --python=python2.7
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python run.py

The steps above will generate an interpretation tree selected_tree.jpg. The example ran for a few minutes on a late 2013 Macbook Pro 13 to get the result. It could be substanitally longer on larger dataset.