
simple matlab function of angular spectrum method of fast calculation of diffraction with band limitation setting, zero padding setting and so on

Primary LanguageMATLAB


simple matlab function of angular spectrum method of fast calculation of diffraction with band limitation setting, zero padding setting and so on.


function[final] = ASM(cut,direction,bandlimit,quan,mu,z,pitch,lambda)

cut:output is set as the same size of input 要不要剪裁为原图大小

direction:direction of the propagation 传播方向

bandlimit:band-limited ASM 是否用带限角谱

quan:input of the complex wave field 输入复振幅

mu:zero padding size(How many times the size of the original complex wave field) 填0为原图大小的几倍

z:distance 距离

pitch: pixel size 像素大小

lambda: wavelength 波长




the band limitation method is from "Band-Limited Angular Spectrum Method for Numerical Simulation of Free-Space Propagation in Far and Near Fields"

带限角谱计算方法来自 "Band-Limited Angular Spectrum Method for Numerical Simulation of Free-Space Propagation in Far and Near Fields"