
Custom docker containers with pxe install of populates distribution Linux


What is NetInstaller?

Custom docker containers with pxe install populates distribution Linux

NetInstaller images

NetInstaller are based on latest Alpine, jessie Debian and trusty Ubuntu images. The available versions of NetInstaller are:

NetInstaller Alpine 3.2 (tags: alpine-3.4, alpine-lates, latest)
NetInstaller Denian Jessie (tags: debian-jessie, debian-latest)  
NetInstaller Ubuntu Trusty (tags: ubuntu-trusty, ubuntu-latest)

Images are updated when new releases are published. The image with latest tag is based on Alpine Linux.

How to use this image

Start a localdef container as follows:

docker run --name some-name-proyect -e TZ="Europe/Madrid" -e IDIOM="es_ES" --rm -ti westerus/netinstaller:tag