
Predicting the age of the brain with minimally processed T1-weighted MRI data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Deep Learning Model for Brain Age Prediction Using Minimally Pre-processed T1w-images as Input

Current version: 1.0

brainage-prediction-mri is a tool that takes an unprocessed T1-weighted brain MRI(in .nii or .nii.gz format) and automatically predicts the age of the subject. The model was trained on more than 15000 images from healthy individuals.

The methods used in the release v1.0 in this repository is described in:


The network architecture is a 3D version of ResNet He et al. (2017).

Please note that the model has not been extensively validated across different protocols, scanners or populations and should be used for research purposes only.

Table of contents

Getting Started

These instructions show you code prerequisites needed to run the the script and how to install them. Please note that to use this tool you need a unix-based OS (i.e. Linux or macOS) or running a Linux Virtual machine.



  • To run brain_age.py you need to have the following installed:
    • Python 3.5 or higher, with the following packages:
      • numpy
      • matplotlib
      • argparse
      • glob3
      • nibabel
      • h5py
      • nipype
      • tensorboard
      • monai
    • PyTorch 1.2 or higher.
    • FSL v6.0

See below for installation instructions.


Download brain_age python scripts

  • Open a terminal and cd to the folder where you wish to install the tool and clone repository:
cd /path/to/your/installation/folder 
git clone https://github.com/westman-neuroimaging-group/brainage-prediction-mri.git

or press "Clone or Download" in the top right corner and unzip the repository in your folder of choice.

Install requirements

  • Install latest FSL version (currently v6.0) by following the instructions here. FSL is needed for the automated registration, and called from the nibabel library. Make sure that the FSLDIR environment variable is set (run echo $FSLDIR in the terminal which should display the directory FSL was installed in).

We suggest that you install all python libraries in a conda environment, see instructions here. This is not necessary in order to use the model, however.

  • Install required python libraries (except for PyTorch) by executing the following (inside the brain_age_prediction_public folder):
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install the latest PyTorch version (at time of writing: 1.7.1) by following the instructions here. If you want to train your own model you need to download the CUDA version of PyTorch (and have a GPU + CUDA installed).

Download model weights

You can either train your own model or download our pretrained model weights that we used in our papers. To use our pretrained model weights go to release-v1.0 or release-v0.01.


Single case

To process an image through the model you can use the following command (inside the folder brain_age_prediction_public):

python brain_age.py --input-file /path/to/image_folder/input_filename.nii.gz --model-dir /path/to/model_weights_folder --uid new_output_filename_prefix --output-dir /path/to/output_folder

This command would input the image input_filename.nii.gz, load the pretrained weights located in /path/to/model_weights_folder/*.pth and produce the files:

  • new_output_filename_prefix.csv: csv file with the predicted brain age.
  • new_output_filename_prefix_mni_dof_6.nii: MNI registered .nii of input_filename.nii.gz.
  • new_output_filename_prefix_mni_dof_6.mat: Computed transformation matrix for the registration of FSL. Since the FLS registration is the most time consuming step of brain_age.py, saving the intermediate processing step can save time if you want to re-run brain_age.py with e.g. new trained weights in future.

If --uid is not provided, the output file prefix will instead be the basename of the input-file.

Multiple files

To process all .nii images in one folder, you can e.g. execute the following command in your terminal:

for f in /path/to/images/*.nii; do python brain_age.py --input-file $f --output-dir /path/to/output/folder --model-dir /path/to/model/weights; done

This will process all .nii or .nii.gz images in the folder /path/to/images/img1.nii with the output files img1.csv, etc being saved in the specified output-folder. All images will have their own .csv file with it's associated ratings. To merge all .csv files in your output directory into a single .csv file you can run

awk '(NR == 1) || (FNR > 1)' /path/to/output/folder/*.csv > merged_file.csv

Train model

If you want to train your own model you need to have a GPU and a GPU version of pytorch installed.

  • Prepare a csv file your_csv_file.csv that includes full paths to the images (path), the chronological age at the time of the scan (age_at_scan), a unique ID of each image (uid), a unique index for each image (indx), to which project/cohort they belong (Project), and if the image belongs to train, dev or test set (for hold-out approach) or to the main partition (for cross-validation approach) (partition). See sample_file_for_preprocessing_script.csv for an example. Please note that these six columns are needed for the training script to work.
  • Run the script brain_age_trainer_preprocessing.py with the following flags (may take several hours depending on sample size):
python brain_age_trainer_preprocessing.py --input-csv your_csv_file.csv --output-csv your_new_csv_file.csv --output-dir /path/to/folder/to/plave/registered/images
  • The output file your_new_csv_file.csv contains the same info as your_csv_file.csv but with an added column path_registered containing paths to the FSL-registered files in the chosen output-dir.
  • To start training the model using the hold-out approach, run the following:
python brain_age_trainer-holdout.py --input-csv your_new_csv_file.csv --output-dir /path/to/output/folder
  • The path specified in output-dir is where a timestamped folder will be created containing the trained weights of the model(s), predictions on the training and development sets (add flag --evaluate-test-set if you want to evaluate your test set in the end of the script), and tensorboard files monitoring the training process. (See https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensorboard.html for help on tensorboard.)

  • To start training the model using the cross-validation approach, run the following:

python brain_age_trainer-crossvalidation.py --input-csv your_new_csv_file.csv --output-dir /path/to/output/folder
  • The path specified in output-dir is where a timestamped folder will be created containing the trained weights of the model(s), predictions, a file with the data distribution within different cohorts, and tensorboard files monitoring the training process. (See https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensorboard.html for help on tensorboard.)
  • To use your models, you can follow the steps in Usage providing the path to your output folder as --model-dir instead of the path to the downloaded weights.


  • Occasionally the FSL registration fails (<1% in our experience), causing the age prediction to be useless. There is currently no tool implemented to catch when this happens besides opening them with e.g. fsleyes and looking at them.

  • To run FSL:s installer script python 2.x is required, which is not included in newer versions of Ubuntu for instance. If you don't have it installed you can

conda create --name py2 python=2.7
conda activate py2

and the run python2.7 fslinstaller.py.

  • Please report any problems with running the tool here


If you use this tool in your research, in its release-v1.0 (hold-out and cross-validation approaches), please cite:

Dartora C, Marseglia A, Mårtensson G, et al. A deep learning model for brain age prediction using minimally preprocessed T1w images as input. Front Aging Neurosci. 2024;15:1303036. Published 2024 Jan 8. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2023.1303036


The code in this project is licensed under the MIT License - see License for details.

Please note that this tool relies on third-party software with other licesenses:

