Extension of PHP Data Objects

Primary LanguagePHP

~ PDOE: (P)HP (D)ata (O)bjects (E)xtended ~

On one hand, conventional database APIs make programmers write unecessary SQL and boilerplate code for simple operations. On the other hand, object-relational mapping is "The Vietnam of Computer Science" (see: http://blogs.tedneward.com/2006/06/26/The+Vietnam+Of+Computer+Science.aspx ).  

PDOE means to apply targeted force to limited goals, namely:

1) The inclusion of some of the functions/advantages of the ActiveRecord pattern (easy SQL-free method invocations for retrieving, inserting, updating, and deleting database records) down at the API Level:

	$aa = array('firstname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Smith', 'email' => 'jsmith@devnull.not', 'phone' => '3215559876');
	$p = new PDOE("sqlite:$filename");

2) Reduce boilerplate code with functional-style processing of "SELECT" query results:

		'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM PERSON',
		'f' => function ($row) {
			return "\n<tr><td>".implode('</td><td>',$row).'</td></tr>';

Despite the addition of these new methods and invocation styles, PDOE is a strict superset of PDO -- it's a direct subclass.