
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


All plots and data results stored in this repository are for MEBL3 data. When the run_all.sh script runs, all plots and data results are erased, so it is recommended to run this script when using brand new (non-MEBL3)system data. Proper Grafana MEBL2 Dashboards to grab data:

  • MEBL2 Current and Pressure (New Schema) -> MEBL2 Pressure
  • MEBL 2 Arc Counts -> MEBL 2 All Arc Counts

Cloning GitHub Remote Repository Onto Local Machine and Running from Terminal

  1. Make sure you are on the main branch of the Multibeam GitHub remote repository
  2. Click the green dropdown menu labelled "< > Code"; select "Download ZIP" and unzip the downloaded file
  3. Open the terminal/command line on your local machine; Use the cd command to navigate to the repository's root directory, Multibeam-main/
  4. Run the following command to ensure all necessary libraries and packages are installed (at most 5 packages will be installed):
sh library_package_installs.sh
  1. To run individual features within the project repository, follow along with the provided Flowchart and Manual
  2. Alternatively, to run the entire project in one go, use the following command to run the run_all.sh script (must have MEBL data downloaded already, see Flowchart and Manual pt.1):
sh run_all.sh

Flowchart and Manual

Project Flowchart

  1. Database is accessed via Grafana; all arc counts and pressure data is downloaded to the repository’s data/MEBL/ subfolder.
  2. The two downloaded dataframes are passed into the file mebl_data_preprocess.py, which cleans the data and passes the tidy files to the data/tidy/ subfolder. This becomes the new data source for the rest of the programs to run.
    • Terminal command to run mebl_data_preprocess.py (current directory is repository’s root, all programs and scripts are in the folder python_files/):
    python3 python_files/mebl_data_preprocess.py --arc_filename data/MEBL/MEBL3_All\ Arc\ Counts-data-as-joinbyfield-2024-07-01\ 10_16_54.csv --pressure_filename data/MEBL/MEBL3_Pressure-data-2024-06-28\ 09_40_08.csv
    • Note:
      • –-arc_filename, –-pressure_filename arguments are required, and should be the relative paths to the downloaded MB csv files
      • If filenames include whitespace, put an escape character (\ ) before the whitespace
  3. The tidy pressure_data file is used as input to the pressure_spike_times.py file, which identifies and stores the timestamps of all system vacuum pressure spikes.
    • Pressure spikes are defined as observations in the pressure dataset for which the pressure value exceeds 2x the “local pressure mean”. This mean is calculated from the pressure values of the 10 preceding seconds to the spike time
    • Terminal command to run:
    python3 python_files/pressure_spike_times.py --pressure_filename data/tidy/pressure_data --time_range 5
    • Note:
      • –-pressure_filename argument is required; it is the path to the clean pressure_data file
      • –-time_range argument is optional; it is the number of seconds for which a local mean pressure value is calculated, a factor in the identification of the spike threshold (default=5)
      • Pressure spike timestamps are separated by pressure type and time_range (this information is held in the filenames) and saved as JSON files to the pressure_spike_times/ folder
  4. Once pressure_spikes have been saved, any of the 3 features may be utilized:
    1. synchronous_arc_clusters.py
    2. pressure_at_arcs.py
    3. arcs_at_pressure_spikes.py and pressure_window_plot.py



  • Only the clean all_arc_data file is passed as an input


  • plots/arc_clusters/
    • A folder containing heatmaps displaying synchronous arc counts and percentages
    • Arcs are considered synchronous if an arc event occurs at the same time for two different system components
    • Heatmaps of these synchronous arcs are made for each component, as well as one heatmap displaying the entire synchronous arc dataframe for all system components
  • data/results/arc_cluster_large.csv
    • If the --large format is used, then that corresponding dataframe will be saved
    • Too many dataframes are made during the --sequential process, and all of that information is held within the large dataframe, so those dataframes are not saved

Terminal command to run:

python3 python_files/synchronous_arc_clusters.py --arc_filename data/tidy/all_arc_count_data --sequential True --large True
  • Note:
    • --arc_filename argument is required; path to tidy arc data file
    • --sequential and --large are optional arguments; these tell the program what the desired outputs are. A True sequential argument will produce outputs for each system component one by one (several small format heatmaps), and a True large argument produces an output for the entire synchronous arc dataframe with every system component contained in one plot. Default values are False, so to indicate the desired outputs you must provide the argument as True (otherwise it may be left out of the terminal command all together)



  • Scripts take both clean data files from data/tidy/


  • plots/pressure_at_arcs/
    • A folder containing time-series line graphs of the system’s chamber and column pressure values over 30 second windows surrounding each arc event
    • The folder is made up of one subfolder for every system power supply component, and each of those folders contains one plot for every arc event that happened within that component
    • Plots also display pressure maximums (within +/- 5 seconds to the arc events), and pressure means for the 10 seconds preceding the maximum
  • plots/pressure_delta_histograms/
    • A folder containing histograms displaying the distribution of “pressure delta” values across all arc events
    • Pressure deltas are calculated as the difference between the pressure maximum and pressure mean (as described in 6.b.i)
    • Histograms are created for both chamber and column pressure types, and the corresponding data is saved to data/results/deltas/

Terminal command to run:

python3 python_files/pressure_at_arcs.py --arc_filename data/tidy/all_arc_count_data --pressure_filename data/tidy/pressure_data --pressure_linegraphs True --delta_histograms True --n_bins 80
  • Note:
    • --arc_filename, --pressure_filename arguments are required; paths to tidy data
    • --pressure_linegraphs, --delta_histograms, --n_bins are optional arguments; ; these tell the program what the desired outputs are. A True pressure_linegraph argument will produce the linegraphs for the plots/pressure_at_arcs/ folder, and a True delta_histograms argument produces the histograms for plots/pressure_delta_histograms. Default values for these arguments are False, so to indicate the desired outputs you must provide the argument as True (otherwise it may be left out of the terminal command all together). The n_bins argument is strictly for formatting the delta histograms, giving user ability to select the number of bins for that plot (default = 75).

arcs_at_pressure_spikes.py and pressure_window_plot.py:


  • Both clean dataframes from data/tidy/ and both json files in pressure_spike_times/ are used as input'


  • plots/Total_Arc_Counts.pdf
    • A barchart showing how many total arcs there are for each system power supply component
  • plots/pressure_spikes/
    • A folder that contains time-series line-graph plots displaying the vacuum pressure values over a 20s range surrounding every spike event
  • plots/arcs_at_pressure_spikes/
    • A folder containing barcharts of the counts and percentages of arcs that occurred at the same time as a pressure spike for every system power supply component
    • The corresponding dataframe is saved to data/results/arcs_at_pressure_spikes.csv

Terminal command to run:

python3 python_files/arcs_at_pressure_spikes.py --arc_filename data/tidy/all_arc_count_data --pressure_filename data/tidy/pressure_data --chamber_json pressure_spike_times/chamber_spike_times_5_sec.json --column_json pressure_spike_times/column_spike_times_5_sec.json
  • Note:
    • -–arc_filename, –-pressure_filename, –-chamber_json, –-column_json are all required, must be relative paths to each respective data file
    • The pressure_window_plot.py file is inherited by the arcs_at_pressure_spikes.py file, so no commands need to be run for that script specifically