
An invitation management system for Meteor.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An invitation management system for Meteor.


  • Built-in invitesAdmin template for quick and easy management of: -- Invite Requests: So users can 'apply' for invitations via your own forms -- Invitations: Which you can create from scratch or from the above requests.
  • Built-in simple emails for request confirmation and/or invitation creation -OR-
  • Custom email handlers, i.e. use your own email templator, etc.



meteor add t3db0t:invites

	from: "MyApp <notifications@myapp.io>",
	inviteRequest: {
    	subject: "Thanks for requesting an invitation to MyApp Beta",
    	body: "Thanks for your interest in MyApp! We'll let you know when you've been invited."
  	invite: {
    	subject: "Welcome to MyApp Beta",
    	body: "You've been invited to MyApp!"


meteor-invites is router-agnostic, so you'll need to implement your own routes. However, it does include some templates:

  • The included inviteAdmin template, for example (Iron Router): Router.route('/invites', 'inviteAdmin'); -- You can use your router to secure this route, for example (Iron Router):
Router.route('/invites', {
    onBeforeAction: function(){
	    if(!Meteor.userId() || !Meteor.user().registered_emails) {
	    } else if(Meteor.user().registered_emails[0].address == "my@email.com"){
    template: 'inviteAdmin'
  • There's also an included "Invite Request Confirmation" template at confirmInviteRequest


Optional: There's a requests-email publication you can subscribe to with an email address and it will give you the request status for that email, i.e. if you want to check if someone's already requested an invite. Example:

Meteor.subscribe('requests-email', 'test@test.com');

Custom Email Handlers

For example, using PrettyEmail:

  inviteRequestHandler: function(requestEmail){

    PrettyEmail.send('call-to-action', {
      to: requestEmail,
      subject: 'Thanks for requesting an invitation to MyApp',
      heading: '',
      message: "Thanks for your interest in MyApp! Just click below to verify your email address and we'll let you know when you've been invited.",
      buttonText: 'Confirm',
      // buttonUrl: '', // Coming soon
  inviteHandler: function(token, inviteEmail){
    var host = Meteor.absoluteUrl();

    PrettyEmail.send('call-to-action', {
      to: inviteEmail,
      subject: 'Welcome to MyApp',
      heading: "You've been invited to MyApp",
      message: "Click below to accept and get started.",
      buttonText: "Let's Go",
      buttonUrl: host+'acceptInvite/'+token,

Pull requests welcome!