ToyCity Report Generator, Part 1

Project Overview

For this project, we’re going to build a data-crunching sales report generator. Imagine that we run an online retailer “ToyCity” that sells the best toys in all the world. Things are not going well for ToyCity. Children just aren’t playing with real toys anymore.

As a consequence, we’re going to have to start scaling back the number of products we sell. Our boss wants us to toy around with the sales data to garner some insights: which products are selling best, which brand earns us the most money, etc.

Our boss will provide a file with all the sales data. Your assignment is to write Ruby code that reads the sales data in, analyzes it, and prints out a generated report. Eventually we’ll save the resulting report to a new file, but in this first iteration we’ll print the report to the terminal.

Completing this Project

You should have completed all the necessary steps for finishing this project in ToyCity Report Generator, Part 1. Before submitting, ensure your program does the following:

  • Outputs basic information for each product, including its name, retail price, and total number of purchases.
  • Outputs the total sales, average price, and average discount for each product.
  • Outputs the number of toys in stock, average price per toy, and total sales volume for each brand.

Remember, you should not modify any of the existing code we have provided for you.

Submitting Your Project

Before submitting your project for evaluation, we recommend that you check that each of the following is true:

  • Your program runs without any errors
  • You are proud of your project and its output
  • You completed your project according to the instructions
  • You checked your project against the rubric
  • Create a zip file with your For instructions on how to do this, click here. When you feel ready to submit, use the blue 'Submit Project' button below!