
FastAPI python backend server with multi-stage CI/CD deployment

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FastAPI Serverless AWS Backend Server

This project act as a template for a FastAPI server deployed on AWS Lambda for production use.


  • Project structure template
  • FastAPI boiler plate code:
    • Root application with versioning API (currently V1 and V2 are defined)
    • Middleware for CORS, exceptions and logging
    • Config module with settings loaded from your .env file
    • Logs are working also in production environment (AWS Lambda)
    • Test suite setup with TestClient
    • Health check route and exceptions routes
  • Python code quality tools already setup both locally and as part of the CI (Pylint, Black, Isort, MyPy)
  • Dockerfile with AWS lambda base image for the FastAPI service container
  • Poetry for python environment management
  • Serverless.yml boiler plate:
    • Lambda function for the FastAPI backend service
    • Lambda is container-based and images are deployed to AWS ECR
    • Defined cloud watch IAM roles and retention policy (30 days)
    • Defined XRay IAM roles
    • Custom domain management support in three sub-domains, one per stage.
  • Scripts folder so you can easily run it all

Future Features

  • boiler plate code for caching using FastAPI_Cache
  • Basic authentication and authorization with Auth0
  • Database migration support using Alembic


  • An AWS account
  • The AWS CLI installed and configured
  • Python 3.7.2 or later
  • Poetry for managing dependencies and packaging the app
  • npm for installing the serverless framework and plugins
  • serverless framework for deploying the backend (just run npm install -g serverless)
  • Docker for building and testing the app locally
  • (Optional) An AWS Certificate of SSL/TLS certificate for a domain name in the AWS Certificate Manager (this guide can help)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/larium/fastapi-serverless-aws-backend.git
  1. Install the dependencies
cd fastapi-serverless-aws-backend
npm install
poetry install
  1. Set up local environment in .env file
  • Create the file: touch .env
  • Set the following values inside:
  1. Set access permissions to scripts directory
chmod 777 ./scripts/*
  1. Run local code analysis
  1. Run local tests
  1. Run local server

Test it
curl --request GET "https://localhost:8000"

  1. (Optional) If you want to use a custom domain for the backend, follow these steps:
  • Obtain an ARN of AWS Certificate for your domain in the AWS Certificate Manager
  • Set it on the .env file in ACM_ARN
  • In serverless.yml -> set customDomain.enabled: true
  • Update the value of baseDomain with your base domain
  • Create the domain (this link a Route53 rule to the Certificate)
  • Next time you will deploy the server will be exposed under your domain.
  1. Deploy to AWS

Test it
curl --request GET "https://<UNIQUE_ID>.execute-api.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/dev/"

  1. Remove deployment from AWS
  1. (Optional) Remove the domain from Route53 (it will not remove the certificate!)


What How (script) Where (endpoint)
Local ./scripts/start http://localhost:8000
Remote ./scripts/deploy https://***.execute-api.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/dev/
Develop Domain ./scripts/create-domain
Staging Domain ./scripts/create-domain staging
./scripts/deploy staging
Production Domain ./scripts/create-domain prod
./scripts/deploy prod


We welcome contributions to this project! If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement, please open an issue or pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Set python interpreter in VScode

  • Run poetry run which python and copy the python path
  • command+shift+p to open the VScode command shortcuts and enter Python: Select Interpreter
  • Select + Enter interpreter path... and paste the python path
  • That's it.