A Reinforcement-Learning-based loop invariant inference tool.


  1. git clone, could take a long time.

  2. prepare a python environment with python version=3.7.10

  3. prepare make and g++. If you are using Windows, you need prepare the above two in git bash.

  4. cd /LIPuS/; pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. cd /LIPuS/code2inv/graph_encoder/

    1. if you are using Windows, delete the "Makefile" , and rename the "Makefile_win" as "Makefile" and run make clean ; make on git bash.
    2. if you are using Linux, just run make clean ;make


  1. cd /LIPuS/
  2. python if you want to run all linear benchmarks
  3. python if you want to run all nonlinear benchmarks
  4. The results can be checked in Results directory.
  5. check out "" if you want to run specific one benchmark.


  1. All benchmarks are put in "Benchmarks/", each instance has three files: c source file, CFG json file, and SMT file.
  2. If you want to add new instance, you only need to prepare the three files, and LIPuS will automatically do the rest.
  3. As for how to prepare the CFG json file and SMT file, please refer to Code2Inv, which use Clang to do it automatically. Also, you can manually do it just like us.