
Demo repo for a Husky issue

Primary LanguageShell

Support Custom User Hooks in Husky

Demo GitHub repo illustrating how best to set up custom user hooks in Husky. "Custom" hooks here means hooks that are specific to a user's project and not automatically installed for all users.

Creating a custom user hook

To support custom user hooks, we add them to a .husky/custom/ directory and run them using a custom-hook script appended to each regular Husky hook. These user hooks run after the regular hooks.


Assume we have a pre-commit Husky hook like this:

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh"

echo "Lint ALL THE THINGS!!!"

We want to allow users to specify their own additional hooks, say also running the test suite. To do that we use .husky/custom-hook to optionally call the corresponding hook in .husky/custom/.

Then we can just add && .husky/custom-hook pre-commit to the hook:

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh"

echo "Lint ALL THE THINGS!!!" && .husky/custom-hook pre-commit

Then we can define our user-specific hook .husky/custom/pre-commit:

$ cat <<EOF > .husky/custom/pre-commit
heredoc> #!/bin/sh
heredoc> echo 'my custom hook!'
heredoc> EOF
$ chmod u+x .husky/custom/pre-commit

When running pre-commit, it now runs the standard Husky hook along with the user's custom hook.

$ git add . && git commit -m "cool change"
Running custom hook for pre-commit...
my custom hook!