
Processes apache httpd bugs and links them up to the commits they were fixed in

Primary LanguageShell


Processes apache httpd bugs and links them up to the commits they were fixed in


Usage: main.rb [options]
    -c, --[no-]churn                 Calculate churn (this takes awhile), defaults to off
    -1, --first=TAG                  Set first tag, defaults to 2.0.1
    -2, --second=TAG                 Set second tag, defaults to 2.2.0
    -3, --third=TAG                  Set third tag, defaults to 2.4.0
    -r, --repo_location=LOC          Set the repo location, defaults to ../httpd
    -b, --bug_data_location=LOC      Set the bug data location, defaults to ./data/bugs-2016-04-20.csv
    -g, --gnats_data_location=LOC    Set the old bug data location, defaults to ./data/gnats_archive
    -v, --cve_data_location=LOC      Set the cve data location, defaults to ./data/HTTPD Vulnerabilities - CVEs.csv
    -x, --cve_fix_data_location=LOC  Set the cve-to-fix data location, defaults to ./data/HTTPD Vulnerabilities - CVEs to Fixes.csv
    -o, --output=LOC                 Set the output folder, defaults to ./data
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

The application outputs a file for each of the three release tags with bug, vulnerability, sloc, and (if enabled) churn data for each file present in the release.