
A simple solidity smart contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello World Truffle Tutorial

  1. install dependencies
npm i -g ethereumjs-testrpc
npm i -g truffle
  1. init truffle project
truffle init
  1. write solidity Helloworld.sol contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

contract Helloworld {
    string _greeting;

    function setGreeting(string greeting) {
        _greeting = greeting;

    function sayHello() returns(string) {
        return _greeting;
  1. write 2_deploy_contracts.js migration script
var Helloworld = artifacts.require("./Helloworld.sol");

module.exports = function(deployer) {
  1. open up new terminal and run testrpc
  1. build solidity smart contract
truffle build
  1. migrate Helloworld smart contract
truffle migrate
  1. test smart contract on truffle console
truffle console
/* console opens */
var hw;
Helloworld.deployed().then(function(d){hw = d;});
hw.sayHello.call() // ''
hw.setGreeting("hi github!");
hw.sayHello.call() // 'hi github!'
  1. change sayHello on Helloworld contract
function sayHello() returns(string) {
    return "im changed!";
  1. compile and migrate updated contract.. then run console
truffle compile
truffle migrate
/* deployed contract */
truffle console
  1. run sayHello

Notice sayHello output did not change. That is because contracts are cannot be changed once deployed to the blockchain.

var hw;
Helloworld.deployed().then(function(d){hw = d;});
hw.sayHello.call() // 'hi github!'