
Sane and easy to use WebRTC Peer implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Sane and easy to use WebRTC Peer without signaling server

API and example

	var peer = new Peer
		// reliable data channel messages
		reliable: true,
		// data channel ordered message
		ordered: true,
		// stun/turn servers
		iceservers: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302',
		// connection open callback
		onopen: function()
			var peer = this;

			console.log('Connection established');

			setTimeout( function()
			}, 50);
		// connection closed callback
		onclose: function()
			console.log('Connection closed');
		// message received callback
		onmessage: function()

		// connection error callback
		onerror: function()

		// connection internal log
		onlog: function(log)

	var peer2 = new Peer
		onmessage: function(message)
			console.log('Got message "' + message.data + '"');
		onlog: function(log)

	window.onload = function()
		// create offer and pass callback to run whenever offer is ready
			// pass created offer to the other peer (this could be done via websockets or ajax in the real world)
			peer2.answer(offer, function(answer)
				// answer created, pass the answer to the offering peer and accept connection