Face Recognition Attendance System Based On Opencv , Python And Java Programming Language
- You should install visual studio 2019 for c++ compiler because Dlib library is fully developed by c++
Dlib:is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems.
- Desktop development with c++ dependncies like in the bottom image (you will find like this image when you want to install visual studio 2019)
you need also to install all these libraries for python3
- Pip install cmake
- Pip install dlib
- Pip install face-recognition
- Pip install numpy
- Pip install opencv-python
to run the java frame you need JRE(Java Runtime Environement) the extention of the file is .jar
- for developer side i give you java scripts rar file to deal with the java source class(you need JDK Java Development Kit)
- in ImagesAttendance folder you should put all person images to compare it with the real capture frames
- you can store the names attendance in csv file or store it in database(sqlite) as you like , the details in the video below