Web Application: Todo List

Team: callbacks()
Deadline: 01/03/2020

Your assignment is to create a web application, which allows users to sign-in/sign-up. This will grant them the ability to create simple todo list.

Bonus Features:

  • View Completed Tasks
  • Label Takas
  • Search & Filter Tasks
  • Integration APIs

Everything should be saved into a database and handled using a Node + Express server which also need to be created.


  1. The frontend should be built using ReactJS
  2. The backend should be built using ExpressJS
  3. The database should be built using MongoDB
  4. Using source npm packages is allowed.
  5. The system must allow users to create accounts.
  6. Logged-in users will stay logged-in across sessions.


  1. Clean & Simple Code (Readable).
  2. Incremental commits are heavily encouraged.
  3. Make the app responsive on all screen sizes.
  4. Host your web app on Heroku.

Recommended Packages: