
This is an HTTP client with predefined uri and routes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an HTTP client with predefined uri and routes.

Predefined routes are accessed with corresponding namespaces.


npm install git+https://github.com/wetoolaguer/portal-client.git



The following shows the configuration object needed to initialize the client.

var config = {
                     baseURI :"http://www.site.com",
                    authPath : "/auth/user",
                 credentials : {   email : "admin@site.com",
                                password : "password" }


The routes object is the declaration of the namespaces to be generated and the http methods associated with them.

config.routes = {
                  users : {

                        findBy  : { path: "/users/:id", method: "get" },
                         create : { path: "/users", method: "post" },
                        update  : { path: "/users/:id", method: "put" },
                      deleteBy  : { path: "/users/:id", method: "del" },
                      findAll : { path: "/users", method: "get" },
                      findInGroup : { path: "/groups/:groupId/users/:id",
                                      method: "get" }
                  admins : {

                      findBy  : { path: "/admins/:id", method: "get" },
                       create : { path: "/admins", method: "post" },
                      update  : { path: "/admins/:id", method: "put" },
                    deleteBy  : { path: "/admins/:id", method: "del" }



  var portalClient = new PortalClient(config);

      //Portal Client is now usable in this callback function.

By default, portal client authenticates with the given configuration object. If authentication is not desired, you may pass a false parameter in the constructor before the config object.


If authentication is disabled, you may still authenticate later with the authenticate function.

  var credentials = {   email : "admin@site.com",
                        password : "password" }

  portalClient.authenticate (credentials, function (err, resp, body) {
      //portal client is authenticated after this, if config and credentials 
      //are right.

HTTP Methods

After the initialization, we can do the following:

  //this will issue a post request to http://www.site.com/users
  //with the form data, name: User Name
  portalClient.users.create({ name: "User Name" }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response

  //this will issue a get request to http://www.site.com/users/1
  portalClient.users.findBy({ id: 1 }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response

  //this will issue a put request to http://www.site.com/users/1
  //with the form data, name:Updated UserName
  portalClient.users.update({ name: Updated UserName }, { id: 1 }, 
  function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response

  //this will issue a del request to http://www.site.com/users/1
  portalClient.users.deleteBy({ id: 1 }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response
  //this will issue a post request to http://www.site.com/admins
  //with the form data, name: Admin Name
  portalClient.admins.create({ name: "Admin Name" }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response

The requestObject

The requestObject is an object passed to the generated http functions.

  //this requestObject will replace the values in the route:
  // /groups/:groupId/users/:id
  var reqObject = { groupId:1, id:1 };

  //this will issue a get request to http://www.site.com/groups/1/users/1
  portalClient.users.findInGroup (reqObject, 
  function (err, resp, body) {
    //do whatever you want with the response

The callback function

After every http method call, a callback function is executed receiving 3 parameters:

  • err: An error object which can be thrown if present.
  • resp: An http response object with data such as resp.body, resp.headers, resp.statusCode and etc.
  • body: A sugarcoat for resp.body

Portal client is written on top of mikeal's request package. You can view its documentation for more information on the returned objects.

Generated Get Methods

functionName ( reqObj, queryString, callback )
  //this will issue a get request to http://www.site.com/admins?age=10
  portalClient.admins.findBy({}, { age: 10 }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response


  • reqObj (required if parameter is desired): An object of which key-value pairs replace the corresponding parameters in the declared routes.
  • paramter (optional):An object of which key-value pairs are converted as query string.
  • callback: The callback function to be executed when the request receives a response.

Generated Post Methods

functionName ( formObj, reqObj, callback )
  //this will issue a post request to http://www.site.com/admins
  //with the form data, name: Admin Name, password: pass
  portalClient.admins.create({ name: "Admin Name", password: "pass" }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response
  • formObj (required): An object of which key-value pairs represent form data.
  • reqObj (optional): An object of which key-value pairs replace the corresponding parameters in the declared routes.
  • callback: The callback function to be executed when the request receives a response.
Multipart Post

Passing a formObject with a property of which value is an object will automatically trigger a multipart post.

      var fileLoc = './admin_profile.txt';
      var profile = fs.createReadStream(fileLoc);

      var formObj = { name : Admin Name, file: profile }  

      //this will issue a post request to http://www.site.com/admins
      //with the form data, name: Admin Name, file: admin_profile.txt
      restClient.admins.create (formObj, function (err, resp, body) {
          //do whatever you want with the response

Generated Put Methods

functionName ( formObj, reqObj, callback )
  //this will issue a put request to http://www.site.com/admins/1
  //with the form data name:Updated AdminName
  portalClient.admins.update({ name: "Updated AdminName" }, { id: 1 }, 
  function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response
  • formObj (required): An object of which key-value pairs represent form data.
  • reqObj (optional): An object of which key-value pairs replace the corresponding parameters in the declared routes.
  • callback: The callback function to be executed when the request receives a response.
Multipart Post

Passing a formObject with a property of which value is an object will automatically trigger a multipart put.

      var fileLoc = './admin_profile.txt';
      var profile = fs.createReadStream(fileLoc);

      var formObj = { file: profile }  

      //this will issue a put request to http://www.site.com/admins/1
      //with the form data, file: admin_profile.txt
      restClient.admins.update (formObj, { id: 1 }, function (err, resp, body) {
          //do whatever you want with the response

Generated Del Methods

functionName ( reqObj, callback )
  //this will issue a del request to http://www.site.com/admins/1
  portalClient.admins.deleteBy({ id: 1 }, function (err, resp, body) {
      //do whatever you want with the response
  • reqObj (optional): An object of which key-value pairs replace the corresponding parameters in the declared routes.
  • callback: The callback function to be executed when the request receives a response.