
URL Shortener project

Primary LanguageJava

URL Shortener

An API to short URLs. You can send a long URL and get a short link to it.

It was implemented using SpringBoot and uses, by default, Tomcat.


The API has two endpoints:

1. /shorten

Create the short URL:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/shorten -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"url": "http://www.google.com"}'

The response:

    "originalUrl": "http://www.google.com",
    "shortUrl": "http://localhost:8080/L"

2. /{shortCode}

Redirect to the original URL used to create this link

curl -i http://localhost:8080/L

Will redirect to the original URL:

HTTP/1.1 301 
Location: http://www.google.com
Content-Length: 0
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:56:55 GMT

If the short url informed does not exist it will return a 404 Not Found.


The domain can be set in resources/application.properties:

# Domain property

Run the application

Build the application:

mvn clean install

Start the server

mvn spring-boot:run

The server will be started on port 8080.


This project uses docker-maven-plugin by Spotify.

To generate the image:

mvn clean package docker:build