
Interviews... Interviews never change.

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Interviews... Interviews never change.

So what is this all about? Well I wanted some change and I thought quitting my current job (LOL bad idea) and moving a couple cities away would revive my passion for "solving cool problems".

Anyways, 5 years of experience writing quality tested production code, and I can't solve any leetcode problems. Honestly, I think I was better at these interview problems when I was a scrub straight out of dev bootcamp.

So... Here we go again. Same shit different day. This will be an index of all the interview crap I need to know. Goodluck future me.


Stolen from geeksforgeeks

So when to use DFS over A*, when to use Dijkstra over A* to find the shortest paths ?
We can summarise this as below-

1) One source and One Destination-
→ Use A* Search Algorithm (For Unweighted as well as Weighted Graphs)

2) One Source, All Destination –
→ Use BFS (For Unweighted Graphs)
→ Use Dijkstra (For Weighted Graphs without negative weights)
→ Use Bellman Ford (For Weighted Graphs with negative weights)

3) Between every pair of nodes-
→ Floyd-Warshall
→ Johnson’s Algorithm

Now remember what any of these algorithms are.

  1. A* Search: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/a-search-algorithm/ (like wtf is this name)
  2. Dijkstra: https://medium.com/basecs/finding-the-shortest-path-with-a-little-help-from-dijkstra-613149fbdc8e
  3. Traveling salesman with dynamic programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JjA4BLQyqE (or you can read a garbo wikipedia page)


  1. Thank god for this website: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/searching-algorithms/
  2. merge sort: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-sort/
  3. insertion sort: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/insertion-sort/
  4. heap sort: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/heap-sort/

Interview Prep Resources (Thanks Google - Pretty good recruiters)

  1. Practice Your Code

    1. Project Euler
    2. Codewars
    3. HackerRank
    4. LeetCode
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms

    1. PDF of a book for DS and ALGO
    2. 500 Data Structures and Algorithms
    3. Top 10 Algos in Interview Questions
    4. Big-O Cheat Sheet(no https, gluck no hacksies plz)
  3. General Interview Prep

    1. GeeksforGeeks
    2. Interview Puzzles
    3. Practice Problems - Google Focused