topydo is a todo list application using the todo.txt format. It is heavily inspired by the todo.txt CLI by Gina Trapani. This tool is actually a merge between the todo.txt CLI and a number of extensions that I wrote on top of the CLI. These extensions are:
- Set due and start dates;
- Custom sorting;
- Dealing with tags;
- Maintain dependencies between todo items;
- Allow todo items to recur;
- Some conveniences when adding new items (e.g. adding creation date and use relative dates);
The documentation on provides more information about the features and how to use topydo.
Simply install with:
pip install topydo
- arrow : Used to turn dates into a human readable version.
- icalendar : To print your todo.txt file as an iCalendar file (not supported for PyPy3).
- prompt-toolkit : For topydo's prompt mode, which offers a shell-like interface with auto-completion.
- arrow : Used to turn dates into a human readable version.
- urwid : For topydo's columns mode, a TUI with columns for your todo items.
- backports.shutil_get_terminal_size : Used to determine your terminal window size. This function was added to the standard library in Python 3.3 and so is only required for PyPy3.
- mock : Used for testing. This was added to the standard library in Python 3.3.