
transactional database

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Get all transactions

  • GET /api/v1/transactions

Get all wallets

  • GET /api/v1/wallets

Show one wallet by ID

  • GET /api/v1/wallets/:id

Show one transaction by ID

  • GET /api/v1/transactions/:id

Post to wallets

  • POST /api/v1/wallets
    • { address, balance }
      • address is the account hash identifier
      • balance is the account balance

Post to transactions

  • POST /api/v1/transactions
    • { txHash, amount, to, from }
      • txHash is the transaction hash identifier
      • amount is the amount of the transaction
      • to is a wallet foreign key
      • from is another wallet foreign key

Edit a transaction

  • PATCH /api/v1/transactions/:id
    • { amount }
      • amount is the only value that can be patched

Edit a wallet

  • PATCH /api/v1/wallets/:id
    • { balance }
      • balance is the only value that can be patched

Delete a transaction

  • DELETE /api/v1/transactions/:id

Delete a wallet

  • DELETE /api/v1/wallets/:id
    • nested delete of foreign keys in to: or from: of the transaction table, then wallet.


Get all transactions

  • [{ txHash: 'duksehdk2121hjkdnbesk', amount: '500', to: '1', from: '2'}...]

Get all wallets

  • [{ address: '#jojw390f9ednseknd3', balance: '100'}...]

Get a single transaction

  • { txHash: 'duksehdk2121hjkdnbesk', amount: '500', to: '1', from: '2'}

Get a single wallet

  • { address: '#jojw390f9ednseknd3', balance: '100'}

Post a wallet

  • { id: 26 }

Post a transaction

  • { id: 26 }

Patch a transaction

  • { 1 } returns number of objects affected

Patch a wallet

  • { 1 } returns number of objects affected

Delete a transaction

  • { 1 } returns number of objects affected

Delete a wallet

  • { 1 } returns number of objects affected