
Degrees Celcius isn't visible anymore

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The unit °C behind the temp sensors in the top_tiles isn't visible anymore.

This is the same issue as number #55 - close this one?

Not exactly the same.

#55 is about three values in one tile. That doesn't fit. It would be nice to order it in another way to see all the three values.

#59 is about the unit when temp sensor is used (temp only or temphumbaro)

Domoticz support multiple kind of temperature sensors, like Temp, TempHum and TempHumBaro.

It would be nice when all of the types are supported including the Units (C, % and hPa).
"Type" : "Temp": "Data" : "23.0 C",
"Type" : "Temp + Humidity": "Data" : "5.6 C, 79 %",
"Type" : "Temp + Humidity + Baro": "Data" : "5.4 C, 98 %, 1031 hPa",

I've tried this solution, but this doesn't work (two or more times the same sensor) and the Units are lost.
Buiten = 357, thermometer-half, Temp
Vochtigheid = 357, thermometer-half, Humidity
Luchtdruk = 357, thermometer-half, Barometer

The unit "C" is back behind the temperature. One part is solved :)