
This script analyses salaries for different programming jobs and organizes data in two tables with average salaries for 15 most popular programming langugages. The script uses two sources with job vacancies: HeahHunter and SuperJob.

How to install

HeahHunter doesn't require any authorization, but in order to get data from SuperJob you need to register your app here. For more information please read SuperJob API Documentation.

When you complete the registration you will be given a secret key. Create a file with the name .env in the same directory with the script. Paste your login and password in the file:

SUPERJOB_SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt



Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes on online-course for web-developers