
Shell Scripts for Creating Master and Worker Nodes for Development and Testing

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Kubernetes Cluster Setup Scripts

  • This repository contains master and worker node scripts for both Debian and Red-Hat based distributions.
  • The Scripts were tested on (CentOS - Fedora - Debian - Ubuntu) in both Virtual and Cloud VM.
  • The Provided Scripts are used to deploy a basic Development Cluster.


  • 2 Linux Machines (You can use one incase you only need master node)
  • At least 2 CPU on the machine used for the master node
  • 2 GB or more of RAM per machine (any less will leave little room for your apps).
  • yum Package manager for Red-Hat Distributions | apt Package manager for Debian Distributions
  • sudo access for all machines

Automated Setup using Curl

  • You can use start.sh Script to setup both the Master and Worker Node using the following commands
  • Run curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iYasser95/kubernetes/main/start.sh
  • Run . start.sh
  • You will be promted to enter either 1 to start the Master Node setup or 2 to start the Worker Node setup
  • The Linux Distribution will be detected and the correct Script for it will Run.

Automated Setup using Clone

  • You can use start.sh Script to setup both the Master and Worker Node using the following commands
  • Run git clone https://github.com/iYasser95/kubernetes.git
  • Run cd kubernetes
  • Run . start.sh
  • You will be promted to enter either 1 to start the Master Node setup or 2 to start the Worker Node setup
  • The Linux Distribution will be detected and the correct Script for it will Run.

Master Node Setup:

Red Hat-based distributions Setup
  • In the Master Node Machine run the following commands to start the setup of the Node.
  • Run curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iYasser95/kubernetes/main/redhat-master.sh
  • Run . redhat-master.sh
Debian-based distributions Setup
  • In the Master Node Machine run the following commands to start the setup of the Node.
  • Run curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iYasser95/kubernetes/main/debian-master.sh
  • Run . debian-master.sh
After the Master Node setup:

Run the following command after the script is finished to be able to use kubectl commands

  • source ~/.bashrc

Worker Node Setup:

Red Hat-based distributions Setup
  • In the Worker Node Machine run the following commands to start the setup of the Node.
  • Run curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iYasser95/kubernetes/main/redhat-worker.sh
  • Run . redhat-worker.sh
  • Worker Nodes Name must be unique, you'll be asked to enter the name once the script starts
Debian-based distributions Setup
  • In the Worker Node Machine run the following commands to start the setup of the Node.
  • Run curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iYasser95/kubernetes/main/debian-worker.sh
  • Run . debian-worker.sh
  • Worker Nodes Name must be unique, you'll be asked to enter the name once the script starts
After the Worker Node setup:

Run the following command on the Master Node to get the command to join the Worker node to the Master:

  • sudo kubeadm token create --print-join-command


If you get connection error while running kubectl commands then make sure the following commands were run correctly:
  • echo 'export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' >> ~/.bashrc
  • source ~/.bashrc
If the Node is showing status NotReady then make sure the Networking pods were installed correctly using the following command:
  • kubectl get pod -nkube-flannel
  • If the pods were not installed then run the following command:
  • kubectl apply -f https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel/releases/latest/download/kube-flannel.yml

