
A Simplenote API server to aid testing

Primary LanguageRuby


A small Sinatra application that implements the Simplenote API.

SimpliticNotes was written to allow development of an iOS Simplenote client without Internet access on my train commute to and from work.


You will need a couple of RubyGems to run SimplisticNotes:

  • sinatra
  • json

To run the tests you will also need:

  • rake
  • rack-test

These can be installed as follows:

gem install sinatra json


To start the SimplisticNotes server, run the following:

rackup config.ru

The server will now be running on localhost:9292 and should respond as per the Simplenote API documentation. There is only one user account. It's details are:

email    : test@example.com
password : Simplenote


SimplisticNotes is not yet complete in its implementation of the Simplenote API. More complete support will come as my iOS client develops.

Running the Tests

SimplisticNotes includes a small test suite. This can be run using the test rake task:

rake test

The test suite has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Mac OS X 10.6 Ruby MRI 1.9.1