Project made to test the developer's fullstack job at W3LCOME
About | Technologies | Features | How to run | License
The ToDo List W3LCOME is a Web and Server application of a List of ToDo activities, in this application is possibible create a new task, mark it as completed and delete it, the application also has paging, it also has an optimistic interface for updating and deleting. The log of all activities was implemented on the server with winston, which contains an info file and an error generated in the root of the server folder with all requests, timestamp and data of requests. It also has a health check endpoint in http://localhost:3333/healthcheck, generated by the express-healthcheck module. The swagger was configured to do the api documentation, which has 4 endpoints:
- GET - to list the tasks, which also has the offset and limit parameters, to perform pagination
- POST - to register a new task
- PATCH - to mark a task as completed
- DELETE - to delete a task.
This project was made using the follow technologies:
ToDo list.
Add and Remove activities.
Mark as complete.
# Clone Repository
$ git clone
# Go to server folder
$ cd w3lcome-test/server
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run Application
$ yarn dev
Access API at http://localhost:3333/
# Go to web folder
$ cd w3lcome-test/client
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run Application
$ yarn dev
Go to http://localhost:3000/ to see the result.
Released in 2021 📕 License
Made with love by wfTom 🚀. This project is under the MIT license.
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