
Http4S bindings for AWS API Gateway & Lambda

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

ioe# Http4s Lambda Http4S bindings for AWS API Gateway & Lambda. Very much a Work In Progress, but should do what it says on the tin.

Design goals

  • Allow running a local Http4s server for a fast and productive development cycle. [Done]
  • Allow running Http4s Routes to be used with no changes as an AWS Lambda (where the Lambda can be used as the target function for >1 API Gateway route). [Done]
  • As a consequence of the two goals above, enable running Http4s as either a traditional JVM process, or as an AWS Lambda with no changes to code. [Done]
  • Create an sbt plugin that makes publishing as easy as sbt publishApi [TODO]
  • Actual proper test-coverage, both unit & integration in a real AWS environment.



In build.sbt resolver settings:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("wfaler", "maven")

Then for your dependencies:

"io.chaordic" %% "http4s-aws-core" % "0.0.1" 

Write some code

Easiest possible usage, lambda implemented like so:

import cats.effect.IO
import io.chaordic.aws.IOService
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import org.http4s.dsl.io._

class LambdaHandler extends IOService{

  val routes = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
      case GET -> Root / "hello" / name => Ok(s"Hello, $name!")
      case PUT -> Root / "hello" / name => Ok(s"Hello PUT, $name!")
      case PUT -> Root / "bye" / "bye" => Ok(s"Bye root")

Note that you can get your HttpRoutes from anywhere, and you can use other Monads than IO, we just provide a convenience trait for IO based routes.

The key things is to implement trait io.chaordic.aws.IOService and provide it with an implementation for def routes: HttpRoutes.


We will provide an Sbt plugin that makes this easier in the future, but for now:

  • Create an AWS Lambda, and define a handler of [fully qualified class name implementing IOService]::handle
  • Create an AWS API Gateway
  • Create a resource of type "proxy" ({proxy+} ), point it at your lambda.
  • Deploy an API with the resource.

Done! We will automate this in the future from Sbt..

The proxy resource means that any path and method request will go straight to your lambda, so it allows Http4s to deal with the routing.

A word on "thin" vs "fat" lambdas

Much of what is assumed, and even written in AWS Lambda "best practices" would imply you should have one lambda per endpoint. However, you are limited to at most 200 resources in a single CloudFormation Stack, and between AWS gateway endpoints, IAM permissions, DynamoDb tables, Lambdas etc, this is a limit you will come up on very quickly. Therefore, in practice, a 1-to-1 mapping between lambdas and http endpoints will quickly cause issues.


This code borrows from Howard Johns Scala server lambda, but intends to move in slightly different directions.