
Concourse Vault Resource

Primary LanguageShell


Hashicorp Vault Resource for Concourse.

Important: Currently, the vault-resource operates on the KV Secret Engine v1 ONLY.

Source Configuration

  • url: Required

    URL of Vault

  • role_id: Required

    This is the approle id. The role_id can be obtained by running vault read auth/approle/<my-role>/role-id

  • secret_id: Required

    This is the secret id of the approle. The secret_id can be obtained by running vault write -f auth/approle/role/<my-role>/secret-id

  • path: Required

    The path of the secret in vault. For example, /secret/ci/my-secret

  • tarball: Optional

    This is a boolean value and defaults to false. See the behavior for more details. This feature was added so that directories with secrets like certs, keys and other sensitive information can be stored easily in vault. For example, secrets generated by bosh-bootloader.

  • ca_cert: Optional

    The CA certificate of the Vault server can be provided if you are working with a self-signed CA Vault server. The certificate contents can be provided as a source variable and will be written to file for the Vault client to use.


- name: vault
  type: docker-image
    repository: wfernandes/vault-resource
    tag: latest

- name: vault-datadog-api-key
  type: vault
    url: ((vault.url))
    role_id: ((vault.role_id))
    secret_id: ((vault.secret_id))
    path: /secret/ci/datadog-api-key
    ca_cert: ((vault.ca_cert))

Fetch a secret,

- get: team-datadog-api-key
  trigger: true

Push a secret,

- put: vault-datadog-api-key
    data: vault-test-output

See tests/pipeline.yml for a full example.


  • check:

    Reports the sha256 hash of the contents of the secret as the version. That is, for the secret /secret/ci/my-secret there is a key/value pair foo=bar, the version will be the sha256sum hash of the json payload {"foo":"bar}. This is done because currently, this resource only supports version 1 of the KV secret engine.

  • in:

    If tarball: false,

    It puts the value of each key in a separate file within the destination directory. So if the secret had the following contents in json format,

      "foo": "bar",
      "some/path/key": "some-value"

    The destination directory would contain a file called foo with the contents of bar and another file at the path of some/path/key containing the value of some-value.

    If tarball: true,

    It expects a key called tarball and it extracts the contents of the tarball within the destination directory.

  • out:

    If tarball: false,

    It converts each file and its contents into key/value pair respectively. For example, if the path: secret/ci/my-secret and the source directory contains the following structure,

    ├── foo
    └── some
      └── path
          └── to
              └── secret
                  └── ca.crt

    Then the keys put under secret/ci/my-secret would be foo and some/path/to/secret/ca.crt with the contents of the file as the values.

    If tarball: true,

    It tar's up all the contents of the source directory and puts it under the key tarball.