Elixir library for Yodlee's v1.0 API
Supported Yodlee endpoints:
- Cobrand
- User
- Accounts
- Holdings
- Providers
- ProviderAccounts
- Transactions
- Statements
- Derived
- DataExtracts
- Refresh
Add to your dependencies in mix.exs
. The hex specification is required.
def deps do
[{:yodlee, "~> 0.1", hex: :yodlee_elixir}]
Add the following configuration to your project.
config :yodlee,
root_uri: "https://developer.api.yodlee.com/ysl/restserver/v1/",
cob_session: nil,
cobrand_login: "your_cobrand_username",
cobrand_password: "your_cobrand_password",
httpoison_options: [timeout: 10_000, recv_timeout: 100_000]
Here's a few usage examples for getting started (courtesy of tmaszk).
Establishing a Cobrand session
iex(1)> {:ok, cobrand} = Yodlee.Cobrand.login()
application_id: "XXXXX",
cobrand_id: 10...,
locale: "en_US",
session: "08..."
Establishing a User session (required for most API calls)
iex(2)> {:ok, user} = Yodlee.User.login(cobrand.session, %{ loginName: "YourCobrandLoginName", password: "YourCobrandPassword", email: "YourEmailAddress" })
id: 10...,
login_name: "..",
session: "08..."
I recommend using Yodlee's FastLink for facilitating the addition and updating of Provider Accounts due to the complexity and ever-changing nature of Provider login and MFA challenges. FastLink is fully supported by Yodlee.
Searching Providers
iex(3)> Yodlee.Provider.search(user.session, %{ name: "Hamilton"} )
auth_type: "MFA_CREDENTIALS",
base_url: "http://www.hamiltonstatebank.com/",
container_names: ["loan", "bank"],
Getting Transactions from a linked User Account
iex(4)> {:ok, accounts} = Yodlee.Account.list(user.session)
account_name: "DDA",
account_number: "...",
account_status: "ACTIVE",
account_type: "CHECKING",
iex(5)> {:ok, transactions} = Yodlee.Transaction.list(user.session, "bank", hd(accounts).id)
account_id: 100....,
amount: %Yodlee.Money{amount: 6268.87, currency: "USD"},
base_type: "CREDIT",
container: "bank",
date: "2018-07-06",
id: 910000,
interest: nil,
principal: nil,
status: "PENDING"
This library has sparse test coverage at the moment.
Run tests using mix test
Before making pull requests, run the coverage and style checks.
mix coveralls
mix credo