
A package to automatically generate Grattan's metrics tables

Primary LanguageR


A package to automatically generate Grattan's metrics tables. Below is how to use it.

First, install the grattanMetricsTables package:


Then load the grattanMetricsTables package and the googlesheets4 package (to connect to the Google Sheets version of the metrics table).


The first of two steps is to read the Google Sheets metrics table. You'll have to guide R through this process the first time to give it access to the sheet:

# Read and manipulate metrics data
# You will need to allow the googlesheets API access to your account
metrics <- read_sheet("1p2oz-9s29IN4M7paosSEG24A3GwVn3uskXP0-3npd4Q", 
                      sheet = "Metric", 
                      range = "A1:N42",
                      col_types = "c")

Once the sheet is loaded and assigned to an object, relay that object to the make_metrics_tables function:

# Generate the metrics tables:

This will produce:

  • A metrics_table.tex file that contains the 'innards' of the table (i.e. the metrics rows of the table) that can be copied-and-pasted into the table you have built.
  • A folder chapter_tables with a .tex file for each chapter containing the full table environment.

Reversing colour order

The function will look for the word 'higher' in the final column. If it is found, it will designate that column as a reversal instructions where:

"Higher number is..."

  • "better": highest numbers will be yellow; lowest numbers will be red.
  • "worse": reversed lowest numbers will be yellow; highest numbers will be red.