
Track task completion.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Tracker is a simple task tracker system.

With tracker you can create tasks and incrementally track progress to completion. You do this by specifying how many sub-tasks are required for completion, and advancing the number of completed tasks as you complete them.

For example the judge sentences you to 50 hours of community service. Simply create a task.

$ tracker add penance 50

When you get home from working on the litter crew:

$ tracker advance penance 4

Check your standing.

$ tracker view penance
8.0% complete with 46.0 tasks remaining.

Let's say you loose it one day and start throwing litter at the passing cars. For this the judge gives you an additional 10 hours. You can amend your penance task to accomodate this.

$ tracker amend penance +10

Subsequently you see the error in your ways and a kinder judge decides you were sentenced too harshly, removing 5 hours from you sentence.

$ tracker amend penance -5

Tasks reside in particular directories, so you can create tasks for your projects that you don't see unless you are in the project directory and don't interfer with your personal tasks in your home directory.


$ ghc --make tracker.hs
$ mv tracker $SOMEWHERE_IN_MY_PATH


The basic Tracker commands are 'add', 'amend', 'advance', 'view', and 'remove'.

Add a New Task

add <task-name> <sub-tasks>

<task-name> is a the name of the new task.

<sub-tasks> is the number of sub-tasks required for completion.

Change the Number of Sub-Tasks

amend <task-name> [+|-]<new-sub-task-count>

If <new-sub-task-count> is prefixed by + then the number of sub-tasks will be incremented by the specified amount. A - prefix will decrement the number of sub-tasks. If neither is specified then <new-sub-task-count> will replalce the current sub-task-count.

Note Progress

advance <task-name> <amount-to-advance> [optional comment]

<task-name> is the name of the task. duh.

<amount-to-advance> the number of subtasks to 'tick off'

An optional comment may be provided to be stored with the amount of the advance, describing what you did and how you feel about it.

View Progress

view [<task-name>]

Show stats about a task, the percent completed and the number of remaining sub-tasks. When called without a task name the status of all available tasks is displayed.

Remove a Task

remove [-q] <task-name>

Delete a task, prompting the user for confirmation. The -q flag will suppress this behavior, deleting the task without any interaction.


To get a list of available tasks simply run tracker with no arguments.

$ tracker
Available tasks:
  foo 25% complete with 3.0 tasks remaining.
  bar 99% complete with 0.5 tasks remaining.