
Implementation of a simple web app in multiple languages and web frameworks

Primary LanguageHaskell

Mini Load Balancer


This project is an implementation of a simple web app in multiple languages and web frameworks:

  • Ruby / Sinatra
  • Python / Flask
  • Node.js / Express
  • GoLang / net-http
  • Haskell / Scotty The web app computes the tetration (x**x) for the requested number. So visiting /tetra/3 results in 27.


Ruby Sinatra

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
    "OK, no problema!"

get '/tetra/:xvar' do |x|
    "#{x.to_i ** x.to_i}"

Python Flask

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return 'OK, no problema!'

def tetra(x):
    return '%d' % (x**x)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Node.js Express

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('OK, no problema!');

app.get('/tetra/:x', function(req, res){
    var x = parseInt(req.params.x);
    var result = Math.pow(x,x);
    res.send('' + result);


Go net-http

package main

import (
    "net/http" //package for http based web programs

func home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "OK, no problema!")

func tetra(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    xstr := r.URL.Path[len("/tetra/"):]
    // convert xstr to 64 bit float
    x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(xstr, 64)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "%g", math.Pow(x,x))

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", home)
    http.HandleFunc("/tetra/", tetra)
    // Listen for connections at port 9999
    http.ListenAndServe("localhost:9999", nil)

The Go implementation uses 64 bit floating point variables instead of integers...

Haskell Scotty

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Web.Scotty
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Text.Format

main = scotty 4000 $ do
    get "/" $ do
        html $ mconcat ["OK, no problema!"]
    get "/tetra/:xvar" $ do
        xstr <- param "xvar"
        let x = read xstr :: Integer
        let f y = y^y
        Data.Text.Format.print "{}" $ Data.Text.Format.Only (f x)
        html $ "Tetration is output to console :/"
        return ()

HAProxy Configuration

    maxconn 256
    nbproc 1
    log local0

    mode http
    option httplog
    log global
    contimeout 5000
    clitimeout 50000
    srvtimeout 50000

frontend unsecured *:2000
    timeout client 5000
    mode http
    option httpclose
    option forwardfor #forward's clients IP to app
    default_backend www_backend

backend www_backend
    mode http
    option forwardfor #this sets X-Forwarded-For
    timeout server 30000
    timeout connect 4000
    server s0 localhost:2050 weight 1 maxconn 32 check
    server s1 localhost:2051 weight 1 maxconn 32 check
    server s2 localhost:2052 weight 1 maxconn 32 check
    server s3 localhost:2053 weight 1 maxconn 32 check

The Haskell implementation outputs the tetration result to the console, and just outputs "Tetration is output to console :/" to the html page.

System Tests

All testing was performed on a laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo P8800 CPU @ 2.66 GHz and 4 GB of RAM running Arch Linux 3.14.1.

Baseline Tests

Computation Results: Total Execution Time in ms

x Ruby Python Node.js GoLang Haskell
140 51 31 28 90 / 4 225 / 5
1e6 256 6050 26 NA 229 / 7

Note : GoLang was not used for x=1e6. The two values for x=140 are the times for go run test.go (compile and run code) and ./test (run precompiled code)


  • Computation:
    • ruby -e '140**140' 0.04s user 0.01s system 91% cpu 0.051 total
    • ruby -e '1000000**1000000' 0.24s user 0.02s system 98% cpu 0.258 total
  • Performance:
    • Single Instance:
      • 20 users, 10 requests, tetra 10000:
        • CPU: ~15%
        • Memory: ~1.2%
      • Idle
        • CPU: ~0
        • Memory: ~1.2%
    • 4 Instances:
      • 20 users, 10 requests, tetra 10000:
        • Ruby Instances:
          • CPU: ~3% each
          • Memory: ~1.2%
        • HAProxy
          • CPU: ~0.8%
          • Memory: ~0.1
      • Idle
        • Ruby Instances:
          • CPU: ~0
          • Memory: ~0.1%


  • Computation:
    • python -c "140**140" 0.03s user 0.00s system 95% cpu 0.031 total
    • python -c "1000000**1000000" 6.05s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 6.097 total


  • Computation:
    • node -e "Math.pow(140,140)" 0.01s user 0.01s system 82% cpu 0.028 total
    • node -e "Math.pow(1000000,1000000)" 0.01s user 0.01s system 78% cpu 0.026 total


  • Computation: go run test.go 0.05s user 0.03s system 92% cpu 0.090 total

Testing code:

package main
func main() {
    result := math.Pow(140,140)


  • Computation:
    • Using runghc runghc test.hs 0.21s user 0.02s system 90% cpu 0.248 total
    • Using compiled code ./test 0.00s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 0.002 total

Testing code:

f :: Integer -> Integer
f x = x^x
main = do
    let y = (f 1000000)
    return ()


Single Instance Results

Transactions per second for accessing: web root / tetra 140 /tetra 10000. Testing run using siege with 100 concurrent users, 100 requests each, and the benchmark flag set.

Request Ruby/Sinatra Python/Flask Node.js/Express GoLang/net-http Haskell/Scotty
/ 890 932 2496 4651 / 9346 8929
/t/140 835 911 2386 4464 / 9346 7812 *
/t/10000 203 18 2320 NA 618 *


  • Haskell/Scotty is computing the tetration math, then sending hardcoded html. I had some trouble dealing with type conversion in Haskell and so I was able to print the tetration result to the console (which resulted in the process becoming IO bound, only getting around 50 transactions/s), but I couldn't send the tetration result as html. Thus I hardcoded the html responses to 140 and 10000, respectively, for benchmarking, though the tetration is still computed. The values listed are for compiled Haskell code.
  • The values in the GoLang cells for / and /t/140 represent the non-compiled (i.e. go run app.go) / compiled (i.e. go build app.go,./app.go) values, respectively. The tetra 10000 test was not run for Go because the implementation does not support such large numbers.
  • It is also worth noting that I set systemctl net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 and systemctl net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 based on the article Using Siege to Tune Apache on GNU/Linux by Jeff Fulmer.

HAProxy Results (4 Instances)

Transactions per second for accessing: web root / tetra 140 /tetra 10000. Testing run using siege with 100 concurrent users, 100 requests each, and the benchmark flag set.

Request Ruby/Sinatra Python/Flask Node.js/Express GoLang/net-http Haskell/Scotty
/ 1072 1012 2160 3278 / 5291 3058 / 5556
/t/140 1019 968 2128 3164 / 5050 NA
/t/10000 298 28 2137 NA NA


  • The two values ("x / y") in each of the GoLang and Haskell cells represent the non-compiled / compiled values, respectively.
  • Testing for tetra 140 and tetra 10000 in Haskell was not performed.
  • Testing for tetra 10000 in Go was not performed because the implementation does not support such large numbers.

Remarks and Conclusions

  • Python performed very poorly at large integer operations, i.e. tetra 10000.
  • As might be expected, the compiled languages (i.e. Go and Haskell) performed superiorly to the interpretted languages.
  • These implementations parallelized poorly on the machine used for testing. The Ruby and Python implementations showed marginal improvement (~10%) with 4 instance parallelization, but the Node.js marginally decreased performance (~10%), and the performance significantly decreased (~40%) in Go and Haskell. Perhaps having implemented the 4 servers in single Go and Haskell programs rather than 4 individual programs would have increased their parallel performance.
  • The Ruby implementation has the cleanest syntax. The Node.js program was easy to implement and performed relatively well, making it the "winner" in my eyes.