Statically compile AWE (and optionally create minimal docker images of AWE worker and server)

These instructions show how to use a normal AWE Docker image as factory environment to statically compile the AWE binaries and

Execution environment for this script is a default AWE worker (client) container, e.g.:

docker build -t skyport/awe-factory:latest

This container needs to be started with socker socket mounted to allow this script to build a scratch AWE worker docker image:

docker run -t -i -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name awe-factory skyport/awe-factory:latest

Alternatively, if you only want the binaries and need no docker image, mount the /gopath/bin/ directory:

docker run -t -i -v ~/awe_binaries/:/gopath/bin/ --name awe-factory skyport/awe-factory:latest

Download script to compile statically

cd /

If you want to change source branch and/or location, e.g:

cd /gopath/src/
rm -rf AWE golib go-dockerclient
git clone --recursive -b master
git clone -b master
git clone -b master

The first time you compile, you may need to get the dependencies first:

go get

Then run this script to statically compile AWE and create AWE worker and AWE server minimal images:

cd /

If you mounted the docker binary into your factory container, you should get nice small images:

REPOSITORY                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
skyport/awe-server-minimal   20150420.1601       7be1891365c8        7 seconds ago       13.03 MB
skyport/awe-client-minimal   20150420.1601       d72df1158340        14 seconds ago      10.31 MB