
Mass-creates superadmin users in UiPath ProcessMining


Used internally at UiPath in order to mass-create System Admin users in a Process Mining instance. Each user is also given its own local git repository and environment. Currently, the username for a user is expected to be


  • Attended automation
  • Built using UiPath Studio 2020.4.1
  • Needs both Internet Explorer and Chrome to complete
  • Optionally sends emails via local Outlook account


  • Click "Run"
  • Enter server details (input screen)
    • Enter the URL of the server hosting the Bootcamp, plus the credentials for the super admin user.
    • Optionally, you can enter a password that will be assigned to all newly-created users. Note that this must fulfill the Process Mining password requirements.
  • Select Excel new-users Excel sheet
    • Excel sheet is expected to have a header row, plus at least a column with the individual users' names and emails
  • Specify creation details
    • Specify the column (by name) in the Excel containing the users' common name and email address.
    • Indicate whether the users should receive an auto-generated email
    • (Optional) Enter the Subject and Body of the email, and whether it's HTML-based or not. The body replaces three placeholds: {url} the URL of the server; {username} the name the user needs to log into their account on the server; and {password}, the password for the account.
  • Robot then creates the indicated users and adds a local git repo and an environment for each.
  • Once complete, an Excel file containing the generated information (including password, git repo etc) is created an opened.


  • The default email subject and body are contained in text files in the project root.