
Files I use for setting up a new Mac

Primary LanguageShell


These are my scripts to setup a new Mac.

How to use

git clone https://github.com/wgoolsby/mac-setup.git && cd mac-setup

sh setup_scripts/new.sh arg

You can run the script with the following arguments

  • all - runs every script in setup_scripts
  • brew - runs only the brew.sh script
  • web - runs only the web.sh script
  • zsh - runs only the zsh.sh script
  • code - runs only the code.sh script

Font courtesy of https://github.com/kencrocken/FiraCodeiScript


  • iTerm2
  • Slack
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Figma
  • SF Symbols
  • Discord
  • Rectangle
  • LICEcap


  • Homebrew
  • Cask
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh
  • zsh Syntax highlighting
  • z
  • powerlevel 10k
  • git
    • git-lfs
    • git-flow
    • git-extras
  • nvm
    • node
  • Trash CLI
  • eslint
    • airbnb style guide
  • Prettier
  • Python
  • wget
  • tldr
  • tree
  • htop
  • Victor Mono


*Redo the hierarchy to better be a .dotfiles repo with setup assitance.

  • Add vim installs & plugins scripts
  • Finish removing webdev stuff
  • Research any needs for Swift and iOS dev