This project will be based on the command line or Web service method, called the establishment of dynamic HTTP data. Fast HTTP back-end models, while providing a unified front end code generation.
此项目将基于命令行或web service方式,动态的建立http的数据调用。可快速实现http后台的建模,同时提供统一化的前端界面代码生成。
Both command line and Web service; Supports multiple data sources; Support the rapid establishment of affinity models; Support for dynamic front-end code generation; Plug-in that supports third-party language;
同时基于命令行和Web service; 支持多种数据源; 支持快速建立亲和度的模型; 支持动态统一前端代码生成; 支持第三方语言的插件;
chandra.core=> (-main)
# help
{:error nil, :value "HELP!"}
# model create user -f email:string -b password:md5 -p user
# model create blog -f title:string content:text -b images:upload user
{:error nil,
:value {},
:status "ok"}
# model list blog
{:error nil,
:value ({})}
chandra.core=> (-main)
# server start 8088
In browser,
POST url : http://localhost:8088/c/model/
POST data : {command: "create",
model: "blog",
fields: "title:string content:text",
binding: "images:upload user"}
Require: {:error nil,
:value ("blog table created","images table create"),
:status "ok"}
GET url : http://localhost:8088/blog/list/
Require: {:error nil,
:value ({:id 1, :title "title", :content "content", :images ({})),
:status "ok"}
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