
Annotation Processor intended to provide multiple Build / Development related functions

Primary LanguageJavaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

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Dev Utils Processor

This project provides an annotation processor to provide useful tools during development time

How to use

Add repo to maven dependencies

maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/wgr1984/DevUtilsProcessor"}

and add the following dependencies to you module

releaseImplementation "de.wr.devutilsprocessor:libDevUtilsProcessorRelease:0.5"
debugImplementation "de.wr.devutilsprocessor:libDevUtilsProcessorDebug:0.5"
releaseAnnotationProcessor "de.wr.devutilsprocessor:devUtilsProcessorRelease:0.5"
debugAnnotationProcessor "de.wr.devutilsprocessor:devUtilsProcessorDebug:0.5"

Now you can use e.g. @Debug inside your project

private Object testDebugMethod() {
    System.out.println("This is a debug method");
    return "Should not be seen !";

which will replace all code inside the method in case of a release build by

private Object testDebugMehtod()
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error: do not call this method on release.");

inside the generated .class file
To be on the safe side ensure all calls of @Debug annotated methods are guarded by DevUtils.IS_DEBUG like

if (DevUtils.IS_DEBUG) {

By default all methods marked as @Debug are expected to be private to ensure it is not used by classes / modules outside. If for any good reason this guard shall deactivated just add allowNonPrivate=true as parameter to the annotation

@Debug(allowNonPrivate = true)
static List<String> testDebugMethod2() {
    System.out.println("This is a debug method");
    return emptyList();

Furthermore there is the a check included to enforce a certain pattern regarding naming of annotated methods. By default it is set to ".*[Dd]ebug.*", in oder to change that it can be overwritten passing methodPattern argument towards the annotation:

@Debug(methodPattern = "debug_.*")
private Object debug_test() {
    System.out.println("This is a debug method");
    return "Should not be seen !";

Another function offered by the dev untls processor is @RemovedUntilVersion.

private void depricatedUntil() {
    System.out.println("This method is about to expire");

and provide the app version towards the annotation processor

javaCompileOptions {
    annotationProcessorOptions {
        arguments = ['devutils.currentVersion': defaultConfig.versionName]

and once version is reached, compilation will fail

Error:(38, 20) error: Method debug_test is marked to be removed until version: 1.1.0