
Kotlin wrapper for RMWC (React Material Web Components)

Primary LanguageKotlin


Project Summary

FORKED: https://github.com/rivasdiaz/kotlin-rmwc

CHANGED: NPM support, kotlin-react version updated

This project is a Kotlin Wrapper for React Material Web Components, which is a React wrapper for Google Material Components for the Web

Use (npm)

To use this project, you need to use JetBrains official wrapper for React

To install run on root of you Kotlin react project (reate-react-kotlin-app)

npm install -s kotlin-rmwc rmwc

Afterwards ensure css is set correctly e.g. inside index.kt

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    requireAll(require.context("src", true, js("/\\.css$/")))


    render(document.getElementById("root")) {

Now it can be used simply via DSL inside render function:

class App : RComponent<RProps, RState>() {
    override fun RBuilder.render() {
        button (unelevated = true) {
            +"Click me!"

Use (gradle)

To use this project, you need to use JetBrains official wrapper for React

This project is accessible via jitpack repository.

Step 1: Define the JitPack repository in your project

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    // other repositories

Step 2: Include this project as a dependency

dependencies {
    compile "com.github.rivasdiaz:kotlin-rmwc:$kotlin_rmwc_version"
    // other dependencies

where kotlin_rmwc_version can be set to:

  • master-SNAPSHOT to use the latest version in master
  • any release version to use that specific version
  • any commit checksum to use the version in that specific commit

Check the Project in JitPack to see all possible versions.


This project tries to follows the same specification as RMWC. All accessible properties are the same as the ones exposed in RMWC. Please check the documentation for RMWC here.