
Android Java JNI Wrapper for cURL, with Picasso and Retrofit support

Primary LanguageJavaArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Android Java JNI Wrapper for cURL

Delegate all HTTP transport to libcurl, through Picasso to Retrofit, or using our simple fluent style api. Bypassing Android java HTTP bugs.

  • easy of use
  • type safe Java interfaces
  • HTTP and HTTPS request
  • proxy using http(system default), socks5
  • Integration for Picasso (Downloader) and Retrofit (Client)
  • native prebuild .so libs for arch arm, armv7, and x86
  • custom build instructions
  • minSdkVersion 8
  • jdk 1.6

API (may be change before 1.0.0 formal release)

Result result = CurlHttp.newInstance() //
    .setIpResolveV4() //
    .addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, sdch") //
    .setHttpProxy("", 8888) //
    .addParam("hello", "World!") //
    // passing array like jQuery
    .addParam("foo[]", Arrays.asList("Bar!", "Bar!")) //
    // multipart form(post only)
    .addMultiPartPostParam("multi_a", null, null, bytes) //
    .addMultiPartPostParam("multi_b", null, "text/html", bytes) //
    .addMultiPartPostParam("multi_c", "c.html", null, bytes) //
    .addMultiPartPostParam("multi_d", "d.html", "text/plain", bytes) //
    .postUrl("http://your-host/cgi-bin/t.cgi") // or .getUrl(String url)
int status = result.getStatus();
String statusLine = result.getStatusLine();
String body = result.getBodyAsString();
byte[] binaryData = result.getBody();
byte[] binaryDecodedDate = result.getDecodedBody(); // if gzipped
String header = result.getHeader("ContentType"); // ignore header name case
Map<String, String> headers : result.getHeaders();

// get with custom params
Result result = CurlHttp.newInstance() //
    .addParam("hello", "World!") //
    .addParam("hello", "GitHub!") //
    .addParam("foo", "Bar!") //
    .getUrl("http://your-host/cgi-bin/t.cgi") //


RetrofitCurlClient client = new RetrofitCurlClient() //
    .curlCalback(new CurlHttpCallback() {
        public void afterInit(CurlHttp curlHttp, String url) {
            curlHttp.setTimeoutMillis(1000 * 180);
            curlHttp.setConnectionTimeoutMillis(1000 * 10);
            curlHttp.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");

RestAdapter adapter = new RestAdapter.Builder() //
    .setClient(client) //
    .setEndpoint("http://api.xxx.com/") //
    .setRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor) //
    .setLogLevel(RestAdapter.LogLevel.BASIC) //
    .setErrorHandler(errorHandler) //


File cacheDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "libcurldroid"); 
// external storage status needed to check

// disk based LRU cache
DiskCache cache = Builder.newInstance() //
    .cachePath(new File(parentPath, "cache")) //
    .accessTimeSyncMillis(1000 * 30) // 30 secs
    .evictIntervalMillis(1000 * 180) // 3 mins
    .evictFactor(0.8f) // 80%
    .maxCacheSizeInBytes(256 * 1024 * 1024) // 256m
PicassoCurlDownloader downloader = new PicassoCurlDownloader() //
    .cache(cache) //
    .curlCalback(new CurlHttpCallback() {
        public void afterInit(CurlHttp curlHttp, String url) {
            curlHttp.setTimeoutMillis(1000 * 180);
            curlHttp.setConnectionTimeoutMillis(1000 * 10);

LruCache memoryCache = new LruCache((int) Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 5);
Picasso picasso = new Picasso.Builder(this) //
    .indicatorsEnabled(true) //
    .loggingEnabled(true) //
    .downloader(downloader) //
    .memoryCache(memoryCache) //


Provided binary libcares and libcurl comes with default configure options. You can build with your custom configure options.

Full build instructions here: https://github.com/aloha-app/libcurldroid/blob/master/jni/BUILD.md , may be the shortest(and easiest) document on the net:]


-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    native <methods>;
-keep class com.wealoha.libcurldroid.Curl$WriteCallback { *; }
-keep class com.wealoha.libcurldroid.Curl$ReadCallback { *; }
-keep class com.wealoha.libcurldroid.easy.MultiPart { *; }


  1. If you use Eclipse, reference libcurldroid as library, you may encounter this:

    [2015-02-05 16:34:30 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/squareup/picasso/Action$RequestWeakReference; [2015-02-05 16:34:30 - your-project] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/squareup/picasso/Action$RequestWeakReference;

Right click libcurldroid -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Order and Export -> uncheck Android Private Libraries

In the end

Great thanks to curl-android project: https://github.com/liudongmiao/curl-android

Daniel Stenberg and his cURL, without cURL this project will never exist!