videoinput.js: client-side video input field with POST submissions
Video inputs can be a pain. This JS file creates a new HTML element that enables you to record video inputs and POST them directly to a URL. It is meant to act as a simple form-like interface for recording and submitting videos.
Currently this works on Firefox and Chrome. It does not require jQuery.
Sample Code
This is meant to be as simple as possible. Below is a sample video input:
<video-input id="vid1" vidwidth="640" vidheight=480" label="Please record your answer below." labelloc="top" action="/r/upload" maxtime="3"></video-input>
This will create a video input field 640px wide and 480px high, with the label "Please record your answer" above the video input. The field will enable you record for 3 seconds, and clicking "submit" will send the video to /r/upload.
Supported Attributes
Required fields are below:
- id: the id of the element. Also used to name files and reference buttons within the field.
- label: the instructions above or below the video input field.
- action: the URL where the post request will be sent.
Optional fields are below:
- vidwidth: video width in pixels
- vidheight: video height in pixels
- labelloc: the location of the label field. Use "top" or "bottom" to position the label.
- maxtime: the maximum length of the recording in seconds.
This project is written by Wojciech Gryc at Phase AI. We're a team dedicated to making it easier to find technical roles and communicate your ability to succeed in those roles. If you have questions, please reach out at hello phaseai com.